nnual Update at 2011 Retreat

Center for the Interdisciplinary
Study of Language & Literacy
CISLL Mission
CISLL is an interdisciplinary center for the study of
lifespan language and literacy across diverse
populations and contexts, both regionally and
globally, with the commitment to:
• Engage in basic and applied research in language and
• Develop and apply innovative research and assessment
methodologies to address complex issues
• Identified and promote best practices in language and
• Provide evidence-based outreach that generates results.
CISLL Leadership
Joe Magliano & Laurie Elish-Piper
Research & Outreach
Strand Chairs
Sonya Armstrong, Anne Britt, Janet Holt,
Janet Olson, Emily Prieto, Cecil Smith
Graduate Assistants
Thank You, Diana J. Zaleski, Joyce Laben
New GA: Melissa Terry
CISLL Strands
• Acquisition of and Transitions in Language and
Literacy. Sonya Armstrong & Janet Olson
• Processing of Language and Literacy. Anne Britt
• Influences on Language and Literacy. Emily Prieto
• Assessment and Interventions for Language and
Literacy. Cecil Smith
• Methodologies for Studying Language and Literacy.
Jan Holt
2010-11 Seminar Series in
Transitions to Literacy
Fall Seminar Series:
• Janet Olson & Elise Masur
Gestures & Early Language
• Sandra Cisneros
Author of “House on Mango Street”
• Catherine Snow
Academic Language & Deep
• Donald Richgels
Invented Spelling
Spring Seminar Series:
• Sonya Armstrong
Postsecondary Academic Literacies
• Steve Yussen
Adult Book Groups
• Bill Brozo
Why do Girls Read Better Than Boys?
• Faculty and Student Poster Session
Year in review: Faculty/Student Poster Session
Amanda Durik, Janet Holt, & Joseph Magliano
Title: The Impact of Topic Interest on Comprehension
Li-Jen Kuo, Tae-Jin Kim & Ying Li
Title: Effect of Early Experience in a Second Language on
Literacy Development
Janet Olson and Elise Masur
Kristopher Kopp, Joe Magliano, David Rapp
Title: “Filling in the Gaps: Processing Ellipses in Visually
Presented Narrative.”
Karyn Higgs
Title: Using Technology to Study Task-Oriented Reading
Candis Nikolic
Title: Characteristics of Mothers’ Verbal Responses to Infants’
Imitation of Familiar and Non-Familiar Words
Title: The Latino Parent University
M Cecil Smith and Solanlly Ocho-Angrino
Daryl Bettcher, Antoinette Jones, Ellen Katoll, SyLinda
Menafee, Becki Vaughn, Robert Williams, Sonya Armstrong
Title: “Students’ Responses to Reading Assignments in High
School Science”
Laurie Elish-Piper and Susan L’Allier
Title: “Literacy Coaching and Student Reading and Writing
Achievement in Grades 1-7: Is There A Relationship”
Jui-Ching Wang
Title: A Response to Multiculturalism Music Education: NIU’s
World Music Curriculum in its First Decade 1970s -1980s”
Kryssi Staikidis and Shei-chau Wang
Title: “Visual Culture Research in K-8 Partnership School”
Title: Facilitating Students’ Academic Literacy Transitions: The
College Learning Enhancement Program’s Current Work
M Cecil Smith and Solanlly Ochoa-Angrino
Title: High School Students’ Responses to Assigned Reading
and Teachers’ Reading Instruction in Science
Keith Millis, Zhiqiang Cai, Art Graesser, Patty Wallace, Diane
Halpern, Kriss Kopp
Title: Teaching Scientific Inquiry with an Educational Game
Vicki Collins, Joyce Laben
Patricia Tattersall
Title: “DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency and ISAT: How Well
Does One Predict the Other?”
Title: Profile of Errors on Non-word Reading and Writing
Rhonda Robinson & Kristin Brynteson, and Elizabeth
Jim Woehrle and Srikanth Dandotkar
Title: Encouraging Multi-Literacy Learning
Title: “The Impact of Sentence and Text-Focused Processes
on the Ability to Detect Contradictions in Texts”
CISLL “PoP” Grants
• Purpose: To fund the collection of
pilot data associated with a future
proposal or the writing of a
• Eligibility: CISLL affiliates,
interdisciplinary proposals given
most weight
• Total Amount: $6563.00
• Number of Awards: 4
Fall 2010 PoP Grant:
Integrating Physical Education & Literacy:
Modeling of Physical Education Activities in
a Content Area Literacy Course
Corrine M. Wickens (LTCY)
Jenny Parker (KNPE)
Jin Jung (KNPE)
Spring 2011 PoP Grant:
Elementary Students’ Scientific
Vocabulary Knowledge
Sheryl Honig (LTCY)
Paul Kelter (TLRN)
Spring 2011 PoP Grant:
Archeology and Bilingual Students: Tapping
into Funds of Knowledge
James Cohen (LTCY)
Michael Kolb (Anthropology)
Spring 2011 PoP Grant:
Acquisition of Chinese Characters:
The Effect of Visual Complexity and the
Presence of Semantic Parts
Li-Jen Kuo (LEPF)
Ying Li (LEPF)
Tae-Jin Kim (LEPF)
Outreach Initiatives
• Literacy in the Middle: Strategies for Supporting
Young Adolescents’ Literacy (Spring 2011)
• Co-sponsored by Collaborative on Early
• Teaching Culturally Diverse Students Book Study
Groups for DeKalb District 428 (Spring/Fall 2011)
• Voluntary book study groups with CISLL Affiliates
and District 428 teachers
2011 Research Methodology Workshops
Co-sponsored with Division of Research &
Graduate Studies
• Hierarchical Linear Modeling, May 16 – 19
Janet Holt, ETRA
• Categorical and Non-Parametric Statistics,
May 23 – 26
Thomas Smith, ETRA
• Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo,
May 31 – June 3
Laura Johnson, ETRA
Graduate Student Fellowship
• $2,000 annual award to a student who has a
broad perspective on the study of Language &
• Supports scholarship for 1 year
• This year’s recipient:
2011 CISLL Retreat
1. To build a network of research
2. To plan a seminar and round table
series around high-value topics to
the CISLL community.
Seminar Topics
• Common Corse State Standards
• Guest Speaker, Lenore Johnson
• Second Language Learning
• Guest Speaker, Rick Orem
Format for Retreat
Common Core State Standards
Guest Speaker
Question / Answer Time
Break-Out Groups
Second Language Learning
Guest Speaker
Question / Answer Time
Break-Out Groups
Small Groups for Common Core State Standards
Janet Holt and Cecil Smith
Cognitive/Psychological Processes/
Developmental Trajectories
Janet Olson and Joe Magliano
Laurie Elish-Piper
Influences/College Readiness
Emily Prieto and Sonya Armstrong
Discussion Questions
• What are the issues relevant in this area? What do you
need to know?
• Who are possible speakers who can address each of the
• Ideas for seminars?
• Round Table Ideas?
Discussion of an area
Discussion of a reading
Small Groups for Second Language Learning
Laurie Elish-Piper and Cecil Smith
Cognitive/Psychological Processes
Janet Olson and Joe Magliano
Cultural Influences and Methodology
Emily Prieto and Jan Holt
Sonya Armstrong
Discussion Questions
• What are the issues relevant in this area? What do you
need to know?
• Who are possible speakers who can address each of the
• Ideas for seminars?
• Round Table Ideas?
Discussion of an area
Discussion of a reading