achelor of Science in Financial Mathematics

2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Bachelor of Science in Financial
General Information
Financial Mathematics is the application of mathematical models to the
solution of problems in the financial industry. It draws upon tools from
Mathematical Sciences, Business and Economic theory. Financial
institutions, insurance companies, corporate treasuries and major
corporations require analysts with high skills in financial mathematics. Their
responsibilities include, but are not limited to: aiding in interest rate
modeling; evaluating investments; wealth valuation; decision making; and
developing programmes that utilize derivatives to reduce exposure to market
fluctuations and risk. Mathematical analysis has brought efficiency and rigor
to financial markets and the investment process, and is becoming important
in regulatory concerns.
Admission requirements are the same as for the University of New
Brunswick Science Degree.
A student must complete at least 121 ch (the equivalent of 40 courses) with a
minimum grade of C in each course in the program. The curriculum consists
of core requirement courses (76 ch) plus elective courses (15 courses adding
up to at least 45 ch) drawn from Mathematics, Business Administration,
Computer Science, Humanities, Economics and Statistics.
a. Required Courses MATH 1003 , MATH 1013 , MATH 1503 , MATH
2513 , MATH 2523 , MATH 2203 , MATH 2903 , MATH 2913 , MATH
3073 , MATH 3713 , MATH 3903 , MATH 4903 , MATH 4993 ; ECON
1013 , ECON 1023 , ECON 2013 , ECON 2023 ; BA 1216 , BA 2217 , BA
3425 , BA 4437 , BA 4455 ; CS 1073 ; STAT 3083 , STAT 3093 . b. Electives Courses
At least 3 ch of courses selected from HUM 2003 , HUM 1021 , HUM
3003 , HUM 2021
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
At least 6 ch of courses selected from CS 1083 , CS 2113 , CS 2513 ,
CS 2773 , CS 3113
3. At least 6 ch of courses selected from ECON 2103 , ECON 3114 ,
ECON 3412 , ECON 3665 , ECON 3835
4. At least 12 ch of courses selected from MATH 3213 , MATH 3243 ,
MATH 3303 , MATH 3343 , MATH 3503 , MATH 3733 , MATH
5. At least 6 ch of courses selected from STAT 1793 , STAT 3703 , STAT
4243 , STAT 4703
6. At least 12 ch of elective courses approved by the Department of
Mathematical Sciences.
1. Students planning to undertake graduate studies are advised to take MATH
3733 .
2. Students choosing STAT 1793 as an elective must do so before taking
STAT 3083 .
3. Transfer students into this program from UNB or from other Canadian
Universities may be able to substitute, with the approval of the
Department of Mathematical Sciences, some of the above electives by
previously obtained credits (with a C grade or higher) in Business
Administration or Economics courses at the 3000 and 4000 levels.
An outline of the sequence of courses taken by a student in the first two
years of the programme is as follows:
First Year
MATH 1003 Introduction to Calculus I
MATH 1013 Introduction to Calculus II
MATH 1503 Introduction to Linear Algebra
BA 1216
Accounting for Managers I
CS 1073
Introduction to Computer Programing in Java
ECON 1013 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 1023 Introduction to Macroeconomics
Plus electives equivalent
to three term courses
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Second Year
MATH 2203 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 2513 Multivariate Calculus for Engineers
MATH 2523 Differential Equations for Infinite Series
MATH 2903 Financial Mathematics I
MATH 2913 Financial Mathematics II
BA 2217
Accounting for Managers II
ECON 2013 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 2023 Intermediate Macroeconomics
Plus two term elective