Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Expanded Learning Time Fund Code: 647-B1A Addendum B – Definitions and Additional Details This document provides definitions and additional details regarding all text with asterisks in the Fund Code 647-B1A Funding Opportunity documents. 300 ADDITIONAL HOURS The state requires a minimum of 900 hours for elementary and 990 hours for middle/high school students. Most schools currently schedule students for an additional ½ hour per day beyond the state required time. Based on the typical 6-6.5 hour school day for 180 days, funded schools with ELT will likely offer in Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 at least 1,380 hours for elementary school students, and at least 1,470 hours for middle and high school students. A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF TIME DURING THE SUMMER Schools that require at least 64 hours for all students during the summer would meet this competitive priority. FEEDER AND RECEIVING SCHOOLS Feeder schools send students upon graduation to receiving schools. BLENDED LEARNING Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace and at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home. SCHOOL-WIDE (SW) TITLE I PROGRAMS School-wide Title I status can be found on the Department’s School Profile pages; schools listed on their main profile page as “Title I School (SW)” are eligible to apply under this grant program. PART II BUDGET / BUDGET NARRATIVE WORKBOOK This Workbook is a Microsoft Excel file which includes macros that enable the workbook to compute totals and summary tables. One budget must be submitted for expenses occurring between September 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014, and a second budget must be submitted for expenses occurring July 1 through August 31, 2014. 1. For Microsoft Office 2000/2003, you may need to change the security setting in Excel before opening the file. In Excel, click 'Tools', 'Macro', and then 'Security'. When the dialog box appears, change the security setting to 'Medium' and then click 'OK'. You can now open the budget file. 2. For Microsoft Office 2007, you must save the workbook as an earlier version of Excel (.xls not .xlsx).