Name of Grant Program: Secondary Transition Systemic Improvement Grant Fund Code: 243 PART III – REQUIRED PROGRAM INFORMATION Please select one priority: Systems and protocols for person-centered planning and the provision of high-quality, individualized transition assessment Student-led IEPs and other means to promote student self-determination Community-based programming for students aged 18-22, including work-based learning opportunities and the development of soft skills Building educator capacity to engage with employers and support students to gain competitive integrated employment The development of systems and methods to encourage meaningful parent engagement in Secondary Transition Relationship-building and close collaborations with adult service agencies, including the development of interagency councils Please give a specific and detailed answer to each question. RATIONALE: 1. In detail, describe your district’s Secondary Transition needs. 2. What data did you use to assess these needs? DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PLAN 3. What do you propose to do? 4. How will your proposed activities address the needs you identified in Question #1? 5. In what way is your proposal systemic? 6. How will you ensure your activities: a. are evidence-based and reflect recognized best practices? b. align with other district-wide initiatives and programs? (List the initiatives with which your activities will align.) c. leverage whole-school and community resources? (List the resources you anticipate will be leveraged.) 7. What is the timetable for your work? (If possible, provide month-by-month detail.) 8. If you are braiding funds from this grant with other funds, please detail the source and nature of these other funds. If you will use in-kind resources, please detail the source and nature of these inkind resources. GOALS: 9. What are the goals of your proposed activities? Please use the S.M.A.R.T. Goal format to answer this question (Specific/Strategic, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Rigorous/Realistic/Results-Focused, Timed/Tracked) S.M.A.R.T. Goal for administrators: S.M.A.R.T. Goal for educators: S.M.A.R.T. Goal for students: 10. Describe what you anticipate the big-picture, overall outcome of these grant activities will be. In other words, by the time you submit your grant report in January 2017, what will have changed? NAMES AND ROLES OF PERSONNEL WHO WILL BE INVOLVED (add boxes, as needed): 11. Please list the name and contact information of the initiative leader. What is his/her title? 12. In the chart below, please list others who will be involved. NAME TITLE ROLE IN THIS GRANT PROJECT EMAIL HOW YOUR PLAN WILL BE EVALUATED, SUSTAINED, AND IMPROVED OVER TIME: 13. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your activities? Describe the specific ways in which you will collect and track data. 14. How will you sustain and improve this systemic change over time?