Integral Low-Energy Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy (ILEEMS): a useful variant for true surface studies E. De Grave and R.E. Vandenberghe Department of Subatomic and Radiation Physics Ghent University Proeftuinstraat 86, B-9000 Gent, Belgium E-mail: Principle of Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy A Mössbauer event at 57Fe results only for 10% in re-emission of gamma rays due to the large internal conversion giving rise to the emission of electrons and secondary X-rays. Backscattering measurements of resonant 14.4 keV gamma rays are therefore less attractive because of their low efficiency. The detection of the secondary 6.3 keV X-rays can give better results, however, many precautions must be taken in order to reduce the noise and the non-resonant background. Hence, the most efficient part of the backscattering techniques comprehends the detection of the resonant electrons, which due to their limited escape depth yields information of the surface complementary to that of transmission measurements. The resonant electrons can be classified into: conversion electrons with an energy of 13.6 keV or higher (L- and Mconversion); those of 7.3 keV (K-conversion); KLL-Auger electrons with an energy of 5.4 keV; LMM-Auger electrons of about 580 eV; and electrons from further degradation processes (LMM, MMM, MVV, shake-off…) with very low energy (< 15eV) (see next slide). According to the detected energy range various electron-backscattering techniques have been proposed. Decay process - 57Fe non-resonant photo electrons conversion Compton electrons electrons 57Co 57Fe resonant K 7.3 keV L 13.6 keV M 14.3 keV 136.3 keV 9% 91% 14.4 keV 0 57Fe 8.2% ABSORBER DCEMS Auger electrons KLL 5.4 keV LMM ~0.6 keV MMM < 15 eV shake-off electr. < 15 eV 14.4 keV -quantum X-rays SOURCE e- (I)CEMS I L E E M S Techniques and detectors 1. 2. CEMS or ICEMS technique One of the most frequently used electron detector is a simple proportional counter consisting of a small chamber with the sample mounted inside and a ionizing gas flow of helium with a few % of methane or other mixtures. Another detection method consists of a vacuum chamber with a built-in channeltron. In both cases primarely high-energy conversion electrons are detected and the technique is called CEMS or ICEMS = (Integral) Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy. Because of the high energy of the involved electrons the probing depth is relatively high. DCEMS technique Another, more sophisticated method is based on a high-resolution electron spectrometer enabling to make an energy selection and therefore indirectly probing at different depths. This is the so-called DCEMS = Depth-selective Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy. ILEEMS Technique The ILEEMS technique (Integrated LowEnergy Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy) is also based on a channeltron detector. elow V high V The principle of a channeltron consists of accelerating the electrons in a curved (glass or ceramic) tube creating secondary electrons and evoking an avalanche effect as a pulse signal. signal channeltron detector input An example of a channeltron is the so-called spiraltron made of glass. A typical diameter of the horn is 15 mm. Efficiency Efficiency of a channeltron detector Low E LMM Auger K Conv 1 10 102 103 104 Energy eV The detection efficiency for low-energy electrons can be improved by adding an energy of a few hunderds of eV, thus inducing the optimal efficiency range of the detector. This can be realized by imposing a bias voltage of about 200V to the channeltron input. This procedure does not significantly affect the detection efficiency of the high-energy electrons. In contrast, the efficiency of the detection of low-energy electrons increases drastically because these electrons are focused towards the horn inlet by the bias voltage. low-E electrons high-E electrons Conclusion: by applying a proper bias voltage between sample and channeltron detector input the intensity of the low-energy electrons can be 10-15 times higher than that of the conversion and Auger electrons. Low-energy electrons (~10eV) have an escape depth of only ~5 nm. ILEEMS (Integrated Low-Energy Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy) is a practical and suitable technique for studies of the top surface layers of solid materials. Experimental set-up Bias + to HV signal insulated feedthroughs Al housing ~ 18 x 18 cm channeltron Be window Transducer sample collimator source to pump Experimental set-up Inside view of the ILEEMS chamber with collimator and chaneltron Disassembled top cover with chaneltron and voltage divider Experimental set-up Cryostat insert with “cold-finger” sample holder attached to flow cryostat The ILEEMS set-up ready to measure at low temperatures Application of ILEEMS to Fe oxides 1) Ferrihydrite ~5Fe2O3.9H2O Transmission (%) 100 Transmission spectra 97 94 Two natural ferrihydrite samples with different crystallinity result in the typical broadened doublets which can be perfectly fitted with a distribution of quadrupole splittings. 91 88 SOOS1 RT 85 Transmission (%) 100 97 94 There are no traces of otherphases. 91 88 85 LC31 RT 82 -2 -1 0 1 Velocity (mm/s) 2 3 1) Ferrihydrite (cont’d) 106 emission (%) 105 ILEEMS spectra SOOS1 RT 104 The spectra of the two ferrihydrite samples show additionally a sextet of hematite (a-Fe2O3) 103 102 101 Conclusion: The ferrihydrite particles (flakes) are covered with a hematite layer. 100 emission (%) 105 LC31 104 103 102 101 100 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 Velocity (mm/s) 6 8 10 Remark: Freshly prepared ferrihydrite did not show any hematite in the ILEEMS spectrum meaning that hematite is formed by aging. 1) Ferrihydrite (cont’d) Quadrupole-splitting distributions From transmission MS spectra From ILEEMS spectrum 0.06 SOOS1- TMS RT 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.06 LC31- TMS RT 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 EQ (mm/s) prob. (arb. units) 0.05 Fh SOOS1 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 EQ (mm/s) The EQ distribution derived from the ILEEMS shows 4 well-resolved peaks 4 distinct O6 coordinations with progressively increasing distortion from octahedral symmetry 2) Magnetite – Fe3O4 (bulk powder and thin film) ILEEMS spectra 105 108 Fe3O4 bulk 104 106 103 104 102 102 101 100 100 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 Velocity (mm/s) 6 8 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (mm/s) The ILEEMS spectra of thin-film and powdered bulk magnetite show the presence of hematite (pink coloured spectra). The latter was not observed in the transmission spectrum of bulk magnetite. The amount of a-Fe2O3 in the thin film (42%) is considerably higher than in the bulk ( 13%) Emission (%) Emission (%) Fe3O4 thin film 100 nm 3) Morin transition in hematite - a-Fe2O3 [111] S1 AF WF (111) S2 TM T Pure, well-crystallized hematite exibits at TM 265K a sharp transition between an antiferromagntic (AF) arrangement of the spins in the [111] direction and a slightly canted, weakly ferromagnetic (WF) arrangement in the (111) basal plane. Mössbauer spectrocopy is an excellent tool to study the Morin transition because there is a large difference in the quadrupole shift 2e between the two magnetic phases (2eAF 0.4 mm/s - 2eWF 0.2 mm/s). 3) Morin transition in hematite - a-Fe2O3 (cont’d) Small particle effects in hematite result in: • decrease of TM • broad transition region TM with coexistence of both AF and WF states RA superposition of two Mössbauer subspectra for which the relative area (RA) of the WF spectrum increases with increasing T at the expense of the relative area of the AF spectrum. 1.0 AF WF TM 0.0 0 TM 300 T Six samples with different particle size have been measured with transmission MS and ILEEMS. The spectra in the next slide are those of HLB2 (av. dim. ~25 nm); HL86(av. dim. ~40 nm) and HL65(av. dim. ~130 nm) 3) Morin transition in hematite - a-Fe2O3 (cont’d) 110 107 ILEEMS spectra at 80 K 106 HL65 HL86 108 HLB2 Emission (%) 105 108 106 104 103 104 102 102 101 100 100 100 100 WF phase AF phase 99 100 99 98 Absorption (%) 98 98 96 Transmission MS spectra at 80 K 96 97 96 94 94 95 HLB2 92 HL65 HL86 92 94 93 90 90 -10 -5 0 5 Velocity (mm/s) 10 -10 -5 0 5 Velocity (mm/s) 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 Velocity (mm/s) Conclusion: The Morin transition region shifts to lower temperatures at the surface of small particles. This effect increases for the smaller particles. Literature CEMS J. Fenger, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 69 (1969) 268 C.M. Yagnik, R.A. Mazak and R.L. Collins, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 114 (1974) 1 Y. Isozumi, D.-I. Lee and I. Kádár, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 120 (1974) 23 M.J. Tricker, A.G. Freeman, A.P. Winterbottom and J.M. Thomas, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 135 (1976) 117 J.A. 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