Description Logics: Logic foundation of Semantic Web Semantic Web - Spring 2006 Computer Engineering Department Sharif University of Technology Outline First order logic and Models Introduction to Description Logics Reasoning on Description Logics 2 Prepositional Logic 3 Truth Tables 4 First Order Logic (FOL) 5 Models 6 Important Equivalences 7 Example of a model 8 Knowledge Representation with FOL 9 Knowledge Representation with FOL 10 What Are Description Logics? A family of logic based Knowledge Representation formalisms Based on concepts and roles Descendants of semantic networks and KL-ONE Frame like Key features of DLs are: Formal semantics Decidable fragments of FOL Closely related to Propositional Modal & Dynamic Logics Provision of inference services Concepts are interpreted as sets of objects. Roles are interpreted as binary relations between objects. Sound and complete decision procedures for key problems Implemented systems (highly optimised) Trade-off between expressive power and computational complexity. 11 12 Description Logic Family Particular languages mainly characterised by: Set of constructors for building complex concepts and roles from simpler ones. Set of axioms for asserting facts about concepts, roles and individuals. Simplest logic in this family is named AL (attributive language) Others are specified by adding some suffixes like U NC: ALC ALCU … 13 Description logic AL 14 Fundamental Equivalences 15 Interpretation (model) 16 Example of a model 17 AL Constructors at Work 18 Additional Constructors (1) 19 Additional Constructors (2) 20 Some Examples The “Happy Father” concept: A person who has at most one child or has at least 3 children from which at least one of them is female. 21 Some more examples! Π 22 Classes 23 Semantic Networks 24 Rule Constructors 25 Examples Expressing what we stated in slides 9 and 10 with DL: There is a lecturer who teaches INFS4201 Guido teaches every course Bob teaches some courses 26 DL as fragments of Predicate Logic 27 Lisp like style for DL 28 Normal Forms 29 Representing Knowledge in DL 30 DL Architecture 31 Terminologies or TBoxes 32 Terminologies or Tboxes (cont.) 33 Reasoning about TBoxes 34 Reduction to Subsumption 35 Reduction to Unsatisfiability 36 Reducing Unsatisfiability 37 Inference services 38 Inference service: concept satisfiability 39 Inference services based on satisfiability 40 Inference service: concept subsumption 41 Concept examples 42 Example taxonomy 43 World description: ABox 44 ABox inference services 45 Abox inference services (cont.) 46 ABox example 47 TBox taxonomy plus individuals 48 Open world assumption 49 Reasoning Procedures 50 Structural Subsumption 51 Examples 52 Example (do it yourself !) 53 Tableaux The Tableaux Algorithm is a decision procedure solving the problem of satisfiability. If a formula is satisfiable, the procedure will constructively exhibit a model of the formula. The basic idea is to incrementally build the model by looking at the formula, by decomposing it in a top/down fashion. The procedure exhaustively looks at all the possibilities, so that it can eventually prove that no model could be found for unsatisfiable formulas. 54 Tableaux Algorithm 55 Negation Normal Form 56 Completion Rules: the AND rule 57 The AND rule 58 The OR rule 59 The SOME rule 60 The FORALL rule 61 Clash 62 Completion rules for the logic ALC 63 Example inference 64 Example inference 65 References Chapters 1 and 2 of DLHB. 66