Education 526 Evaluation of Literacy Three credits Professor: Telephone: Email: Office: Office Hours: Course Catalog Description: Focusing on using benchmarks within the literacy developmental process, teachers and/or reading specialist/coaches will learn how to authentically assess literacy and how to use assessment to design effective instruction. Various assessments that are conducive to the classroom will be examined and applied. Prerequisites: at least six(6) credit hours from the Literacy and Culture program requirements or permission from advisor. This course should be taken the semester prior to taking EDUC 626. 3 credits. Text: Gunning, T. (2006). Assessing and correcting reading and writing difficulties (3 rd ed.). Allyn & Bacon. . ISBN# 0-205-44326-5 Bader, L. (2005). Bader Reading and Language Inventory (5th Ed.). Pearson Merrill/ Prentice Hall. Membership in a local, state, or national literacy organization is required for all Literacy and Culture graduate students. Suggestions: Phi Delta Kappa, Virginia State Reading Association, International Reading Association, National Council of Teachers of English, Whole Language Umbrella. Course Objectives: Course objectives have been written to reflect the match between this course and the International Reading Association (IRA) standards. Through class discussion, literature circle dialogue, and written reflection on topics contained in course outline, the candidate will be able to: Knowledge: 1. 2. 3. 4. explain the principles of assessment and corrective instruction (IRA, 3.1) explain the various factors involved in reading and writing difficulties (IRA, 3.4) explain the various assessments that are conducive to each stage of literacy development. (IRA 3.1) explain how assessment of reading and writing is a process for determining the existing match between the reader/writer and the reading/writing context. (IRA, 3.4) 5. explain how differences among learners such as culture, ethnicity, and dialect, influence literacy development. (IRA 3.1, 3.4) 6. explain how to use diagnostic information to group students and monitor progress as well as organize early intervention and corrective programs. (IRA, 3.3, 2.1) 7 explain how tests and/or alternative assessments are used in the classroom for either external accountability purposes or to drive instruction. (IRA, 3.3, 3.4) Skills: As a result of the assignments, the candidate will be able to: 1. use appropriate and multiple resources to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a student (IRA 3.1,3.2) 2. select and interpret a variety of instruments to assess: (IRA, 3. 3, 3.4) a) reading level, b) listening comprehension, c) physical correlates, d) specific reading deficiencies in word analysis and comprehension, and e) interest and attitude. 3. conduct a review of literature for a topic in the area of literacy disabilities and or/evaluation (IRA 3.2) 4. construct rubrics for evaluation of student materials.(IRA 3.1) 5. review materials to be used for the purpose of assessment (IRA 3.1, 3.4) 6. interpret and communicate data collected on an individual for informed decision-making. (IRA 3.3, 3.4) 7. conduct and interpret running records and retelling (IRA 3.2) Dispositions: As a result of the class discussions, readings, and assignments, the candidate will: 1. 2. appreciate the strengths and limitations of various assessment measures (IRA, 3.1) appreciate that test results are a function of both the assessment instrument and the conditions of collecting data( IRA 3.1,3.4). 3. appreciate the need that assessment is an on-going process (IRA 3.3,3.2.) 4. recognize the need to respect and value cultural, linguistic, and ethnic diversity in literacy. (IRA, 3.2 3.3) Course Outline: I Introduction to Literacy Difficulties A. Reading difficulties defined B. Incidence of reading problems C. Persistence of severe problems D. English language learners as struggling readers E. The problem using labels F. Nature of corrective instruction G. Stages of reading development H. Systems approach I. Interlocking aspects of reading J. Principles of corrective instruction K. Sources of help for low achieving readers L. Roles of standards M. Whys of reading problems II.. Factors Involved in Reading and Writing Difficulties A. Interacting factors in reading and writing difficulties B. Cognitive factors C .Visual processing deficits D. Language factors E. Orthographic processing F. Social and emotional factors G. Physical causes H. Educational factors I. Social and cultural factors J. Family and economic factors III. Overview of Assessment A. Principles of effective assessment B. Dynamic and authentic Assessment C. Assessment categories and tests D. Evaluating assessment devices E. Functional level assessment F. High stakes tests G. Reporting to parents IV Placing students and monitoring progress A. Informal reading inventory B. Miscue analysis C. Running records D. Planning instruction E. Comparing IRI< Miscue analysis and running Records F. IRI based tests G. Monitoring progress H. Case study V. Assessment of Reading and Writing Processes A. Reading processes: decoding and comprehension B. Assessing study skills and vocabulary knowledge C. Assessing writing and spelling VI. Assessment of Cognitive, School and Home factors A. Assessment of capacity (tests of IQ, listening and language) B. Assessment of memory (Associative word learning, word finding) C. Assessment of instructional situation D. Case history E. Reading expectancy F. Summarizing the data G. Making recommendations H. Professional reports I. Multidisciplinary approach J. Case study VII. Evaluating the instructional setting A. The role of the learning environment in reading performance B. Classroom interactions VIII. Severe problem Cases, Students Acquiring English and Older Students A. The need for specialized techniques B. VAKT. Orton –Gillingham, adapted word building C. Total program D. working with older problem readers and bilingual learners E. Case study IX. Organization of Early Intervention and Corrective Programs A. Components of an intervention program B. Working with the administration C. Professional development D. Tutors, materials, sources of information, voluntary reading E. Technology for the reading /writing program X. Informal and Alternative Assessments Bader Reading and Language Inventory A. Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) B. PALS C. Running records D. Retellings E. Cloze assessment F. Writing samples G. Spelling H. Rubrics I. Test of Phoneme Segmentation XI. Evaluation and review of published materials A. Text factors and features B. Commercial reading programs C. Technology and software D. Matching books to readers E. Grouping patterns F. Identifying the teacher’s beliefs about literacy and learning G. Linking evaluation, curriculum, and instruction XII . Professional Responsibilities A. Informing and working with parents B. Planning for the paraprofessional C. Communicating effectively with parents, paraprofessionals, teachers, administrators and school board members D. Plan and implement programs designed to assist students to improve literacy development E. Develop educational plans for students F. Adapt instruction to meet the needs of students G. Communicate with students concerning their strengths, areas to improve, and focus achievement Class Schedule: Date : Sept 9 Overview of course Gunning; Chapter 1 Bader : Graded word Lists Graded Passages pp 21-30 Instructional & listening levels Date: Oct 28 ( will have to be rescheduled) Exam Gunning 1-5 Gunning Chapter 6 Bader: Analysis of Comprehension problems Bader: Phonics & structural analysis assessment pp.86-102 Date : Sept 30 Gunning: Chapters 2 &3 Handouts : Reading Discrepancy Bader: Types of Literacy Errors Quantitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis Handouts; Classroom Applications Date: Nov 11 Gunning 14 &15 Reading Assessment Case Study Due Handouts : Classroom Application Oct 14 Gunning : Chapters 4& 5 Bader : qualitative analysis : con’t Handouts ; Classroom Applications Clinical/Field Experience: Each candidate will work with a student in collecting and interpreting data in literacy development. Candidates will conduct running records, concepts about print assessment, and retellings, then analyze and report results. Course Assignments: 1. Literacy Profile Each candidate will need to find one remedial reading student to follow throughout this semester. With this child, you will participate in an assessment and diagnostic process. . Sections of the Literacy Profile I. Personal information: Name, grade, address, phone number, and parents name. II. Background Information Provide necessary background information that is relevant to the assessment/instructional process. 1. Conduct a parent interview or interview with the classroom teacher using information from the Gunning text and Bader Reading and Language Inventory. Write up the results in a narrative form in the background information of the literacy profile. 2. Evaluate the learner by conducting a student interview and write up the report in the background information of the literacy profile. 3.Use the Bader Reading and Language Inventory to determine the following: a. student’s instructional literacy levels students potential level reading discrepancy student’s strengths & weaknesses b. make instructional decisions c. provide feedback to students on what you notice d. evaluate the educational setting e. evaluate your own teaching . III. Describe Assessments Briefly describe each assessment given to the student. If the assessment has more than one section, describe each section. Remember the audience when describing the assessments used. IV. Results of the Assessment In the same order that the assessments were described, provide a professional interpretive analysis of the results. V. Summary of Results Synthesize all results and use them to assist you in writing a professional diagnosis of the student’s reading difficulty. Be sure that reading levels are reported for independent, instructional, and frustration levels. Include the evaluation of the match between the student and the reading context. Reflect on the information gathered and decide on the primary source of interference of the learning performance. VI. Recommendations for Instruction Based on the results recommend instruction to the student, their parents or caregivers, paraprofessionals, and classroom teachers. Specific teaching techniques, literacy strategies, and trade books at the appropriate reading and interest levels are to be included. 2. Presentation Each candidate will inquire about a personnel topic of interest in either the areas of diagnostic teaching or assessment and develop a power point report to share with the rest of the class. ( Partners are encouraged) . Grades are determined according to the following requirements: Literacy Profile Show and Share Presentation Exams 25 % 25% 50 % Grading Scale: A 100-90% B 89-80% C 79-70% Guidelines: Attendance policy: 1. Candidates are expected to attend and participate in all class activities. 2. Candidates must assume full responsibility for any loss incurred because of absence.. 3. Class assignments are due during the class period on the assigned date. 4. All written assignments will be typed unless otherwise specified. 5. Candidates who require special arrangements for taking notes and/or tests should make arrangements with the instructor at the beginning of the semester. 6. If serious circumstances necessitate a make-up test/exam, candidates must present a doctor's note and complete the alternate test/exam by arrangement with the instructor. 7. In no case should assignments for this course be ones that have been submitted for another course. Mere submission of work does not guarantee a passing grade. Grades are assigned on the quality of the work according to the professional judgment of the instructor. Honor Code: “A strong tradition of honor is fundamental to the quality of living and learning in the Longwood community.” When accepting admission to Longwood College, each student made a commitment to respect, support, and abide by the college’s honor code system without compromise or exception. Accommodations: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability should contact me privately. If you have not already done so, please contact the Office for Disability Services (103 Graham Building, 434-395-2391 or to register for services. Technical Assistance: Longwood provides a toll-free number (877-267-7883) for distance education students. You can reach User Support Services, the Library Reference Desk and the Graduate Studies Office during working hours. After working hours you can leave a message for the Library and Graduate Studies. You can email User Support Services at after working hours and will get a response on the next working day. Evaluation of the instructor: At the conclusion of the course, each student will have the opportunity to evaluate the course instructor (except in Summer Sessions-the university does not conduct course evaluations in summer. Program Reminder Information: Prospective applicants are allowed to enroll in up to nine credit hours (3 courses) prior to being admitted to a degree or licensure only program and have those hours apply to the admitted program. Students should submit an Application for Graduate Admission promptly to avoid having course work in excess of the nine credit hours not apply once admitted. Application materials are available by contacting the Office of Graduate Studies (434-395-2707 or or on our web site at Department of Record: Questions about this course and its instruction should be addressed to the Department of Education, Special Education, Social Work, & Communication Disorders. Writing Style: Written work in this course must be prepared according to APA style. Bibliography Glazer, S. M. (2005). Issues in Literacy and Learning--to Phonic Or Not to Phonic? Goswami, U. (2005). Synthetic Phonics and Learning to Read: A Cross-Language Perspective Ho, C. S., Chan, D. W., Leung, P. W. L., Lee, S., & Tsang, S. (2005). Reading-Related Cognitive Deficits in Developmental Dyslexia, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Developmental Coordination Disorder among Chinese Children Hobbs, R. (2005). What's News? Ivey, G., & Fisher, D. (2005). Learning from what Doesn't Work Joseph, L. M., & Orlins, A. (2005). Multiple Uses of a Word Study Technique Karchmer, R. A., Mallette, M. H., Kara-Soteriou, J., & Leu, D. J. J. (2005). Innovative Approaches to Literacy Education: Using the Internet to Support New Literacies Kern, R., & Schultz, J. M. (2005). Beyond Orality: Investigating Literacy and the Literary in Second and Foreign Language Instruction Klecker, B. M., & Pollock, M. A. (2005). Congruency of Research-Based Literacy Instruction in High and Low Performing Schools Labbo, L. D. (2005). From Morning Message to Digital Morning Message: Moving from the Tried and True to the New Lubliner, S., & Smetana, L. (2005). The Effects of Comprehensive Vocabulary Instruction on Title I Students' Metacognitive Word-Learning Skills and Reading Comprehension Marlow, L., Inman, D., & Shwery, C. (2005). To what Extent are Literacy Initiatives being Supported: Important Questions for Administrators McGee, L. M., & Morrow, L. M. (2005). Teaching Literacy in Kindergarten McGill-Franzen, A. (2005). In the Press to Scale Up, what is at Risk? McKee, J., & Ogle, D. (2005). Integrating Instruction: Literacy and Science. Tools for Teaching Literacy Series Montgomery, J. K., & Hayes, L. L. (2005). Literacy Transition Strategies for Upper Elementary Students with Language-Learning Disabilities Nelson, P. A. (2005). Could You and Your Students use a Poetry Getaway? Pahl, K., & Kelly, S. (2005). Family Literacy as a Third Space between Home and School: Some Case Studies of Practice Quintero, E. P. (2005). Multicultural Literature: A Source of Meaningful Content for Kindergartners Rasinski, T. E., Blachowicz, C. E., & Lems, K. E. (2006). Fluency Instruction. Research-Based Best Practices Richards, J. C. (2006). Question, Connect, Transform (QCT): A Strategy to Help Middle School Students Engage Critically with Historical Fiction Rickford, A. E. (2005). Everything I Needed to Know about Teaching I Learned from My Children: Six Deep Teaching Principles for Today's Reading Teachers