

Liberal Studies Faculty Committee

10/13/10, 2:00-3:00 – Haga Room in Wygal


Members Present: Peggy Tarpley, Robin Smith, Maria Timmerman, David Locascio,

Nancy Powers, Mark Fink, Suzanne Donnelly, Joanna Baker, Pat Lust

Members not Present: David Geraghty

Minutes from the September meeting were approved.


The Degree Audit for Juniors and below is still not ready, but there is progress and we can expect to have most of them up and running by November.


The discussion of the new LSTU courses continued, but no action was taken.

Action Items:

A discussion of the effect of the two new liberal studies courses on the middle school track curriculum resulted in a motion by David Locascio and seconded by Robin Smith as follows:

POSC285. Introduction to Political Economy and Public Policy (3 cr.) will not be required for students on the social science non concentrator track.

COMM320. Communicating in Diverse Settings (3 cr.) will be required on the English non concentrator track and the ENGL382. Grammar (3 cr.) will not be deleted from that track.

The motion passed.

The discussion about replacing the old assessment course with a new one resulted in a motion by Nancy Powers, seconded by David Locascio, to replace EDUC380. Classroom Assessment (2 cr.) with EDUC382. Classroom Assessment and Response to Intervention (3 cr.) and to delete

EDUC271 (1 cr.) . This action will allow increased attention to assessment without increasing the total credit requirements. The motion passed.

Meeting adjourned.
