Daniel Robinson


Daniel Robinson

(251) 554-2425; drobin45@kent.edu


Kent State University, Kent, OH

Masters of Arts, Cum Laude , Philosophy

Fall 2013 – Spring 2015

University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL

Bachelors of Arts, Cum Laude , Philosophy and Psychology


Fall 2008 - Fall 2012

Master's Thesis: “Nietzsche’s Ethic: Virtues for All and None?”

Advisor: Dr. Linda Williams

This thesis addresses key concerns in both the fields of virtue ethics and Nietzsche scholarship by probing the possibility that Nietzsche’s claims on morality can be interpreted as a form of virtue ethics. This counters Robert Solomon’s claim in Living with Nietzsche that even Nietzsche’s exceptionally individualistic and anti-systematic philosophy can be interpreted as a specific system of ethics. While Nietzsche makes many claims on morality, values and virtues, I argue that a virtue ethic requires a more systematic and less individualistic philosophy. Further, Nietzsche’s sustained, descriptive position on ethics, bars him from making the specific, prescriptive claims that a systematized ethic requires.

Research interests

-19 th and 20 th century continental philosophy (Nietzsche focus)

-Normative ethics (ethics of care and virtue ethics focus)

-Feminist philosophy

Teaching Experience


Spring 2016

Introduction to Ethics: University of Akron, three courses: Kent State University, one course

Introduction to Philosophy: Kent State University, two courses

Fall 2015

Introduction to Philosophy, Kent State University, two courses

Introduction to Ethics, University of Akron, two courses

Graduate Assistant, Kent State University


Introduction to Philosophy Spring 2015

Introduction to Philosophy (online course) Fall 2014

Introduction to Ethics, Spring 2014

Introduction to Philosophy, Fall 2013

Tutoring Experiences

Student instructor in philosophy (University of South Alabama)

Fall 2012–Summer 2013

Student instructor in psychology (University of South Alabama)

Fall 2012–Spring 2013


Kent State University May 4 th Memorial Graduate Philosophy Conference (Spring 2014)


University of South Alabama University Committee on Undergraduate Research (Summer 2011)

Poster Presentation “The Relationship Between Aggression and Masculinity in Adjudicated Male


South Eastern Psychology Association (SEPA) (Spring 2012)

Poster Presentation “The Relationship Between Aggression and Masculinity in Adjudicated Male


Professional Service

President of the Philosophy Graduate Student Association

Fall 2014- Spring 2015

Funding Liaison for the philosophy department in Kent State's Department Graduate Studies


Fall 2014- Spring 2015

Conference Coordinator for Kent State's May 4 th Philosophy Graduate Student Conference

Fall 2014- Spring 2015

Organizer for the Kent State's May 4 th Philosophy Graduate Student Conference

2014 and 2015 sessions

Founder and President of the University of South Alabama's Philosophy club

Spring 2012- Spring 2013

Volunteer sexual assault survivor's advocate

May 2010 – May 2011
