THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON Engagement Council Meeting Minutes – April 12, 2011 Members Present: C. Beller, C. Beckwith, T. Beyerle, J. Boyes, B. Jordan, A. Mast, J. McHugh, P. Moss, K RossAlaolmolki, M. Shermis, D. Steiner, D. Visco, D. Weber, S. Zachariah Chair: H. Harris Bane Recorder: K. Haverkamp TOPIC DISCUSSION Outreach Evaluation Matrix Discussed the development of an Outreach Evaluation Matrix to be used for planning and evaluation. Best Practices Subcommittee Discussed the definition of engagement, categories of engagement activities and best practices in regard to Vision 2020 and Provost’s objectives. The focus was on Student Success and how engagement might relate to improving graduation rates. The next step will be determined by the reasons that student’s don’t graduate. Had a brainstorming session about the dimensions of engagement: enrollment, available professional development, attendance at campus activities, increase student success K-12/college student success, technology transfer, number of new partners/educational pathways/increase industry outcomes, creation of mutually beneficial relationships, revenue generation, University branding, new curriculum outcomes/market driven, retention of talent, student satisfaction Measuring Success of Engagement Discussed the use of an Outreach Evaluation Matrix measuring the success of engagement. Provided members with a sample Matrix for Evaluating Quality Outreach. Once Around the Room College of Education – Creating certificates, workshops and conferences to create revenue in case SB5 passes. Wayne College Workforce Development – received $70,000 USO grant. Services Learning – There is a program that promotes citizen journalism. This would be an opportunity for our students to be promoted in the media for free. College of Engineering – Promoted UA’s Corrosion Engineering program at a corrosion conference where there was more than 500 people and 100 companies in attendance. ACTION Review handout and determine what dimensions of matrix would work for UA