
LVHS adheres to the recommendations of the IEP team in regards to placement of services. In
general, the following is a list of supports currently available. Students can have a mix of any of
these supports as deemed on their IEP.
Service Provider: All diverse learners are assigned a service provider when enrolled.
This servicer provider maintains a grade-level caseload and follows them through the
four years at LVHS. Service provider monitors progress and adjusts services as
General Education: (no direct/indirect service: in gen ed) Students are enrolled in the
general education class without any direct or indirect service. Supported only by class
accommodations and modifications.
Consultative Support: (indirect service: in gen ed) Students are enrolled in general
education classes without direct support. The special education service provider
provides indirect support by consulting with the general education teacher to monitor
student’s academic and/or social/emotional progress in the class.
Co-Teaching: (direct service: in gen ed) Students are enrolled in general education
classes where there are two teachers in the room - one general education teacher and
one special education teacher. The special education teacher makes sure to provide the
appropriate accommodations and modifications as specified in the IEP. Many electives
are now provided in co-teaching support.
Instructional Classes: (direct service: away from gen ed) Students are enrolled in an
Instructional class where there is a lower student: teacher ratio. There is one special
education teacher in the room. This class follows the general education curriculum while
providing additional supports and more individualized instruction. Accommodations and
modifications are provided as specified in the IEP. Many electives are now provided in
instructional support.
Resource: Students are enrolled in resource periods for a variety of reasons, including:
to provide a needed break in the schedule or to provided work experience.
Paraprofessional Support: Paraprofessional support can be added to the student’s
IEP if data concludes it is necessary for health, social/emotional or academic purposes.
Multi-Sensory Cluster Program: This is a cluster program housed at LVHS which
address reading and math deficits through multisensory techniques and Wilson Reading
5th Year Transition Program: This program is available for those students who are not
ready to move on yet. It collaborates with Chicago’s Community Colleges and is unique
for each student. Students graduate with their grade-level class and come back to a
“work program.” Students are dually enrolled at LVHS and Truman Community College.
Students take one/two classes at Truman, a few at LVHS (including the Occupational
Prep course) and participate in an internship at LVHS. The program also includes
supports from the network in travel training and job coaching.
6th year Transition Program: This program is new and works collaboratively with the
network’s transition team. The student applies and is accepted in the PEP program
downtown. This program focuses on post-secondary work skills.
8th Grade teachers can use the attached worksheet to guide them through the process.
This sheet is only for planning purposes as the IEPs are individualized according to
student needs.