unit three guide p1.doc

The Early Republic (1796 - 1836)
maps: growth of United States territory – 1803; western settlement – 1803-1825, War of 1812
terms: Louisiana Territory, Ohio Valley, Mississippi Valley, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana,
Indiana, Illinois, Alabama, Mississippi, Maine, Missouri, Florida Territory, Arkansas, Michigan
Missouri Valley, Indian Territory
Meriwether Lewis, William Clark
Native American tribes of the Ohio Valley, “Five Civilized Nations
the people
National Republicans, Democrats
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Marshall, Aaron Burr
the leaders
“War Hawks” – Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun,
William Henry Harrison
Stephen Decatur, General Winfield Scott, Andrew Jackson, Oliver Hazzard Perry, Tecumseh
Daniel Webster, Martin Van Buren, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams
Washington Irving, William Cullen Bryant, Hudson River School
Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney, Robert Fulton, DeWitt Clinton
the economy
Lowell System (mill girls),
Embargo of 1807
Cotton Kingdom
2nd Bank of the United States
new technology
automated mill, cotton gin,
Temperance Movement,
Lyman Beecher,
social issues
Erie Canal
B&O Railroad
Panic of 1819
Nicholas Biddle, pet banks, specie circular
2nd Great Awakening
William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator,
Charles Finney
‘Era of Good Feelings’, universal male suffrage, Indian Removal,
XYZ Affair, quasi-war with France, fighting the Barbary Pirates,
Alien and Sedition Acts, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
government action
Election of 1800, 12th Amendment, Louisiana Purchase, The National Road (Pike)
Embargo Act of 1807, War of 1812, The Battle of New Orleans, Rush-Bagot Agreement
The Monroe Doctrine, Adams-Onis Treaty, Election of 1824 / “Corrupt Bargain”
Tariff of 1828, Nullification Crisis, “Bank Veto”, Specie Circular, spoils system
Marbury v. Madison, Fletcher v Peck, Dartmouth College v Woodward, McCulloch v Maryland,
Gibbons v Ogden Cherokee Nation v Georgia, Worcester v Georgia
Andrew Jackson wins the Election of 1828 and creates the modern
watershed event
Democratic Party