Publications relating to humour*
Moran, C.C. (2010) Regional identity and humour. In N. Blacklow and T. Whitford (Eds)
Where the Crows Fly Backwards: Notions of Rural Identity, pp101-114, Brisbane (Aust)
Post: Press.
Moran C. (2008) Humour and its link to meaning and spirituality in war. In E. MacKinlay
(Ed) Ageing, Disability and Spirituality. Pp200-216. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Moran, C., Thomas, P., & Milner-Davis, J. (2008) Laughter, asthma and stress, Humor and
Health Journal , 17, 1, 1-9.
Moran C. (2008) Humour and its link to meaning and spirituality in war. In E. MacKinlay
(Ed) Ageing, Disability and Spirituality. Pp200-216. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Moran, C. (2007) Humour research: Promises and pitfalls.
Australian Journal of
Communication, 34, 1, 29-40.
Moran C. & Hughes L (2006) Coping with stress: Social work students and humour, Social
Work Education. 25 , 5, 501-517.
Moran C.C. (2005) The role of humour in counselling: Going beyond the Hype. In
Proceedings of the Inaugural Australian Counselling and Supervision Conference 2005:
Integrating research, practice and training , (Ed H Biggs) pp 71-74. Brisbane: QUT, ISBN 1
74107 099 6
Moran C.C. (2005) Humour and meaning after trauma. Psychology, Psychiatry, and Mental
Health Monographs: Trauma: responses Across the Lifespan , pp113-124. Parramatta:
NSWIOP, v2, Nov
Moran C.C. (2004) The Measurement of Sense of Humour Proceedings of the 39th APS
Annual Conference , (Ed M Katsikitis) p206-210. Melbourne: Australian Psychological
Society Ltd. (ISBN 0-909881-25-1).
Moran, C. (2004) Allies cartoon humor in Second World War: A comparison of Willie and
Joe and Bluey and Curley . International Journal of Comic Art. 6 (2) 431-444.
Moran, C. & Massam, M. (2003) A “Trace of History”: Cartoons from the Australian War
Memorial Christmas Books of the Second World War. Journal of the Australian War
Memorial .
Moran C.C. (2003) Beyond content: Does humor use help coping? Disability Studies
Quarterly V3, pp5.
Moran, C.C. (2002) Humor as a moderator of compassion fatigue. In C Figley, Treating
Compassion Fatigue.
New York: Routledge.
Moran C.C. & Massam M (1999) Differential influence of coping humor and humor-bias on mood. Behavioural Medicine. 25, 36-42.
Moran, C.C. and Massam, M. (1997) An evaluation of humour in emergency work.
Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies , 3, 26-38
Moran, C.C. (1996) Short-term mood change, perceived funniness and the effect of humour stimuli. Behavioral Medicine, 22, 32-38.
*For a complete list of publications including other topic areas see