Goals Statement.doc

Goals Statement
Jim Altringer
This year in English Comp I plan on excelling myself in English. My main goals
for this year are to become a better reader, become a more creative writer, and to attend
class no matter what the cost.
First, I am not a very fast reader. I plan on becoming a faster reader, but at the
same time I want to get more out of what I read and get a better understanding of it. All
through my junior high and senior high years of high school I would read something and
get nothing out of it. I would read it and when I was all done I’d be like, “What did I just
read?” So my first goal is to become a faster and a more understanding reader.
Next, I would love to become a more creative writer. I have never been a real
creative writer but I do feel like I could become one. I have a good understanding of
writing and I have a creative mind so if I put them together I could very possible become
a creative writer. So my second goal is to become a creative writer.
Finally my third goal is to attend English class all the time so I am never lost. My
senior year in high school was like that. I had English at 8:00 in the morning and I had a
stomach problem so I missed a lot of class and I became lost. I was an A student no
doubt but I ended up with a B for the year. So I plan on being to class on time and attend
every class. If I don’t it will be hard for me to follow what is going on. So my last goal
is to attend class on a regular basis and listen closely to what my teacher is saying.
If I follow these goals and accomplish them I will get an A in this class.