Renaissance Literature Chris Mike Maggie Historical Events Michelangelo sculpts “David”—1501-1504 Leonardo da Vinci paints Mona Lisa—1503 Martin Luther posts his thesis—1517 Magellan sails around the world—15191520 John Calvin founds the “City of God” in Geneva—1541 More Historical Events Beginning of the Spanish Inquisition—1564 Fall of the Incaian Empire—1571 Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia—1584 Spanish Armada defeated by England—1588 Pilgrim Fathers sail from England— 1620 Literary Works and Authors Faerie Queen by Edmund Spenser The plays and sonnets of Wm. Shakespeare Volpone—Ben Johnson Astrophel and Stella—Sir Philip Sydney More Works and Authors Tamburlain the Great (I and II)— Christopher Marlowe The Burning Babe—Robert Southwell A Dialogue between two shepherds—Mary (Sidney) Herbert Our Websites nology.html /W/WilliamOfOrange.html