Composition 1 Portfolio Presentation By: Jake Smith December 2000 Introduction • I discovered that I need to work on grammar, and explaining myself better when I am writing papers. • I also discovered that I am good at figuring out a topic to write about. Changes in my writing this semester • • • • • • • I have learned to write an effective summary. I have learned how to cite sources correctly. I have learned 4 ways to organize essays. I know the features of a good thesis statement. What I have learned. Student Option 1 Student Option 2 I have learned how to write an effective summary • The main essentials for a summary are a good introduction, main points, and a good conclusion. • My effective summary. • Back to main page. I know how to cite sources correctly in my writing • The style I learned was citing sources from a book. • I think it is important to cite sources because the person that did work needs credit for it. • My cited source. • Back to main page. I have learned 4 ways to organize essays • There are 4 ways to organize essays. There is the Compare and Contrast, the Informative Essay, and the Persuasive Essay. The one I liked was the Compare and Contrast essay because you could compare something to another thing and maybe change somebody’s mind. • Back to main page. I know the features of a good thesis statement • The features of a good thesis statement are it has to be clear and concise. It has to be easy to understand, and it has to be related to your paper or essay. • I feel that my best thesis statement is from the compare and contrast essay. “Think of going to a school where nobody knows who you are.” I feel that is a good one because it is easy to understand, and it is related to my paper. • Back to main page. What I have learned • What I have learned in this class is going to be very valuable to me. I have learned how to cite sources from many different places. I have also learned how to understand poetry, that was pretty cool. I never thought I would ever understand poetry, the only poetry I really ever understood was Dr. Suess. He was the man. I have learned many other things, but the slide isn’t big enough to list them. • Back to main page. Student Option 1 • One of the things I have learned through this course is how to eliminate wordiness of some of my sentences. I used to have a real problem with that. • Back to main page. Student Option 2 • For the second thing I have learned (ha ha, I’ve learned more than 2 things). I learned how to not use words that aren’t really words. Like in one of my power point presentations I used the word “funnest”. I had no idea that that wasn’t a word. • Back to main page. Conclusion • I feel that my strengths were choosing topics to write on. I never really had trouble thinking of something to write on. • My Goals for next semester in Comp 2 is to do better than I did the first semester. And hand everything in on time. If I do that, I will be very happy. Level One and Level Two • Well, for the first part of the year, I feel that I was on the level one part of the writing skills. I also felt that I wasn’t that great at writing paragraphs and stuff like that. • Towards the end of the year, in my personal opinion, I felt I stepped it up to the level two writing skills. I started to write better sentences and paragraphs. I felt I improved overall in writing this semester. I can only hope I do better next semester.