Natural Gas: An Alternative to Petroleum? Natural gas reserves: ~ 60 years Petroleum reserves: ~ 40 years Combustion of natural gas releases more energy per gram than that of petroleum Combustion of natural gas releases more energy per CO2 molecule than that of petroleum Approximately twice the amount of natural gas produced for consumption is vented or burned at its source Pressurization and refrigeration required for liquefaction (bp -164 °C) Largest reserves located in remote regions of the world Crabtree, R. H. Chem. Rev. 1995, 95, 987-1007 American Methanol Institute, 2000 Natural Gas is a Source of Methane H C H H H Limitations for the Practical Use of Methane Physical pressurization and refrigeration required for liquification boiling point = -164 °C Chemical strong carbon-hydrogen bond CH4 CH3 + H 439 kJ/mole very weakly acidic CH4 CH3- + H+ pKa = 48 high ionization potential CH4 CH4+ + e- 1255 kJ/mole low proton affinity CH4 + H+ CH5+ 443 kJ/mole Crabtree, R. H. Chem. 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