VCSU Student Senate Meeting Minutes November 26, 2012 I. II. III. IV. V. Call to Order a. Roll Call i. Present 1. Aune, Amanda; Brady, Bryce; Dammel, Kristine; Edinger, Erin; Halvorson, Michaela; Hass, Tiffany; Haugeberg, Benjamin; Hecker, Garret; Hoover, Danae; Hinrichs, Ashley; Johnson, Alyssa; Kennedy, Christopher; Ketterling, Kyle; Lagodinski, Lindsay; Palowski, Adam; Pedersen, Courtney b. Absent i. Excused 1. Rogers, Patrick; Anderson, Garret; Mauch, Nicole; ii. Unexcused 1. Gentzkow, Chelsea; Approval of Minutes a. Danae Moves to approve minutes b. Kristine seconds Approval of Agenda a. Kyle moves to approve b. Adam seconds New Business Unfinished Business a. Community Gift Tree i. Lindsey and Chelsea will do it Wednesday night b. Milk Money Fundraiser i. Update on totals and situation 1. $180 dollars was stolen out of bucket 2. Would it be possible to add in the $180 and then match the biggest bucket? 3. Danae moves to replace the lost money and then match the biggest bucket. a. Kristine seconds b. Amanda wonders if we could ask the businesses 4. Kristine feels that a campus wide email to let the students know that the money being stolen was not acceptable. a. Do we want people to come at us? b. Just let people know that stealing is a crime. i. Stole from little kids. 5. Kristine moves to amend the previous motion to match the money and send out a campus wide email to let people know that they stole from little kids. a. Danae seconds b. Passed VI. ii. Solution to situation 1. Match the $180 and match the largest bucket. c. Higher Education Day i. Reflection ii. Well done!!! iii. Glad that the legislatures were open to us. iv. Thank you everyone!!! Great Job!!! v. William Woodworth was impressed d. Apparel i. Switching companies and switching up the design e. All-Senate Get Together - Friday the 7, December, 2012 @8am i. Agenda items 1. Highway Cleanup 2. Campus Beautification Committee 3. Opening Day for transfer 4. Fall break 5. Online vs paper homework 6. Accountability of new teachers 7. Reminder about Course evals – Student Senate would like to take on f. Gunsafe i. Update 1. Bryce Brady called police chief and emailed him a. Hasn’t gotten back yet g. Campus Community Service h. Daffodil Sales i. Meeting on December 29, at 10am Reports a. President i. No report b. Vice President i. No report c. Treasurer i. NO report d. Secretary i. No report e. NDSA i. No report f. VCAB i. Dance on Wednesday ii. And late night activities on Friday g. IRHC i. NO report h. Viking Ambassadors i. No report i. Athletics VII. VIII. i. No report j. Fine Arts i. Choir concert, Thursday, at 7:30 at St. Catherines ii. Band concert on Thursday at Vangstad k. Communication and Social Sciences i. No report l. Business and Information Technologies i. We have three faculty openings this year. ii. The BIT division is co-chairing the daffodil campaign this year. iii. The first agricultural class will be offered this spring. iv. The division will have a graduation reception for graduates who are presenting their portfolios on the 7th. m. Education i. No report n. Science and Math i. No report o. Other Reports i. Allison Kasowski says the beautification committee will gather next semester ii. Cultural diversity meeting on December 4 at 12:30 Announcements a. Salvation Army Bell ringing – December 5, 10:00am-6:00pm b. Next meeting we will vote on Senator of the Semester c. Sodexo will be approaching us next week about meal plans Adjournment a. Kristine moves i. Danae seconds