VCSU Student Senate Meeting Agenda February 4, 2013

VCSU Student Senate
Meeting Agenda
February 4, 2013
Call to Order
Roll Call
i. Brady, Bryce; Dammel, Kristine; Dougherty, James; Edinger, Erin;
Frazier, Talon; Gentzkow, Chelsea; Halvorson, Michaela; Hass, Tiffany;
Haugeberg, Benjamin; Hecker, Garret; Hinrichs, Ashley; Kennedy,
Christopher; Ketterling, Kyle; Lagodinski, Lindsay; Lenoue, Ryan;
Mauch, Nicole; Rogers, Patrick; Palowski, Adam; Swanson, Lyndsey;
Westby, Scott;
ii. Excused:
1. Pederson, Courtney; Giesbrecht, Caitlin
iii. Not excused
1. Anderson, Garrett; Hager, Jessica
Approval of Minutes
a. Bryce moves to approve minutes
i. Adam seconds
ii. Kristine moves to add in that NDSA abstained the tuition freeze
iii. Passes
Approval of Agenda
a. Kristine motions to approve
i. Chris seconds
ii. Passes
New Business
a. Environmental Task Force
i. Update – Bryce
1. Putting together Earth Week on April 22, 2013
a. Events and entertainment
i. Walk/bicycle day
ii. Student art project/sculpture
iii. Ecological footprint
iv. Campus clean up
v. Highway cleanup
b. Wanting student senate to help support
i. Lead kids through the woods. “Erin”
2. Benjamin moves that Student Senate helps with the welcoming
committee and walking through the woods on Earth Day
a. Bryce seconds
b. Passes
ii. Need Member
1. Bryce Brady
b. Constitution Committee
i. Constitution needs revising
1. Committee meets @ 6:30 on Monday nights
c. Requirements of Campus Organizations
i. Number of People
1. Brought up to have a set limit
2. Possibility to look into the activity of the club
ii. Lindsay moves that campus organizations have a minimum membership
of 4 to fill the officer positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and
Treasurer, with the exception of a proven benefit to the VCSU campus in
the previous academic year.
1. Kristine Seconds
2. Discussion
a. How are we going to manage this?
i. A: at the beginning of every semester group has to
fill out form to be approved by the student affairs
office. That way we have an idea that they have
advisors and members.
b. Amendment in Red
i. Seconded by Benjamin Haugeberg
3. Motion passes
d. Student Honor Code
i. A document of students holding other student to a higher standard on this
1. An agreement of higher academic level and higher integrity
2. Something to have other students behave
3. In addition to the code of conduct in the handbook
ii. Kristine moves to table the topic until next week
1. Kyle seconds
2. Passes
e. Senior Week
i. Event for seniors of the campus
1. A week of activities for the seniors only
2. Limiting to a day
3. Lindsay moves to table
a. Chelsea seconds
b. Passes
f. End-of-Year Campus Organizations Event
i. Use as a time to recognize the groups and their achievements
1. Use as a time to pass the torch of the new exec. Team
2. Kristine moves to table without objection
Unfinished Business
a. Polar Plunge
i. VCAB does not need help with fundraising
1. Anyone else to volunteer to actually plunge.
2. Event on March 2nd Jamestown YMCA
a. Competition between VCSU and JC
b. Vitaliano, Ben , Jamie, Adam, Garrett, Bryce, Talon, Erin
3. Kristine moves that Erin Edinger participates in polar plunge
a. Adam Seconds
b. Daffodil Sales
i. Selling Sign-Up
a. President
i. Success 2015 meeting – strategic plan, what VCSU works towards
b. Vice President
i. No report
c. Treasurer
i. Finance meeting with Fish and Wild club
d. Secretary
i. Like the Daffodil Days page
i. NDSA February 22, 23
i. Selling roses and carnations in preparation for V-Day
ii. Comedian Monday night
i. No report
h. Viking Ambassadors
i. Athletics
j. Fine Arts
k. Communication and Social Sciences
i. No report
l. Business and Information Technologies
i. -BIT Day had 220+ kids, went very well
ii. -Speaker Series Thursday, February 21 at 6:30 pm
1. Speaker: Ken Astrup – Dakota Plains Cooperative – focus:
“Cooperatives, Mergers, and Communication”
m. Education
n. Science and Math
i. No report
o. Other Reports
i. Speaker in Fromeke on February 8,
a. Common Reading program due on Friday
i. Don’t forget!!
b. Webinar with Student Affairs professionals – get ideas for career options in this
i. Will be sponsoring a student interested in this field
a. 8:14 Lindsay with motion to adjourn
i. Chelsea seconds