Lesson Plan Week 9 Spring Monday


Teacher Name: Sequeira

Lesson Plan Week 9 Spring

Unit Name CVS system

Course: Principles of Health Science Dates: Mar 2-5, 2015

Daily Objective: TSW learn about the cardiovascular system, label chambers of the heart and follow pathway of blood as it flows through the heart

Learning Activities: Completion of online assignment on the pathway of blood through the heart

Assessment Methods: Completion and submission of assignment and notes

Materials: Laptops

Follow Up/HW: Review

Daily Objective: TSW describe the cardiovascular system, complete a quiz on parts of the heart

Learning Activities: Complete notes and online quiz

Assessment Methods: Completion of assignment

Materials: Laptops

Follow Up/HW: Review material covered in class

Daily Objective: TSW describe the parts of the heart

Learning Activities: S complete sheep heart dissection

Assessment Methods: Graded assignment

Materials: Preserved sheep hearts, dissection trays, scalpel and blade, forceps, blunt probe, straight and angulated needle probes, dissecting pins

Follow Up/HW: Review parts of the heart

Daily Objective: TSW label chambers of the heart and follow pathway of blood as it flows through the heart

Learning Activities: Students complete online quiz

Assessment Methods: Completion of activity

Materials: Laptops

Follow Up/HW: Review for test

Plans are subject to change to support the needs of the classroom.
