Speech Check List In addition to the CONTENT you were looking for, did the speaker: NOTES RATING ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE Stay on topic (and not ramble)? Have structure (you could follow where they were going)? Grab your attention at the beginning of the presentation? Tell you the sources of where they got their information? Stay within the time limit? Use their visual aids effectively? Answer questions concisely and effectively? Have variety or energy while speaking (not monotone)? Speak loudly enough to be easily heard by everyone? Speak at a nice conversational rate (not too fast or slow)? Refrain from using “ums,” “ahs,” or repetitive words? Use correct grammar while speaking? Pronounce and enunciate their words correctly? Look at the audience for most of the presentation? Have natural and appropriate facial expressions? Have natural and appropriate hand gestures? Stand up straight and keep their feet fairly still? Comments: Overall, was this an acceptable speech? (12 or more “Acceptable” ratings suggests an overall acceptable speech.) Total = Total = YES / NO