Focus on Reports Session 8 To print: • Right click • Choose “Print” • Change option “Print What?” from “slides” to “note pages” • Click ok FM_Installment Modification by Organization Report Purpose • To provide a single report that shows all installment changes made to endowment, gift, capital, state, local, and FA award installments. • To report changes in a consistent manner that is useful to both award managers and central offices. The report has 3 Tabs 1. Installment changes to State, Local, EI & DI awards 2. Installment changes to Endowment, Gifts, and Capital Project Awards 3. Installment changes to F&A awards State (‘S’) Local (‘L’) The UBO creates a new installment at the beginning of each fiscal year as part of the annual budget process. Thereafter, changes are made via submission of an ICOM form by the award manager. Institutional The UBO creates a new installment periodically as new gift and endowments are received in accordance with the nature of the Gifts (‘DI’) & Endowments (‘EI’) terms of the commitment. Restricted and ITS updates installments twice a year in January and June as Unrestricted determined by the BOV endowment and income payout %. Endowments (‘ER’ & ‘EU’) Restricted and Unrestricted Gifts (‘DR’ & ‘DU’) ITS updates installments monthly, reflecting the total gifts deposited that month. Capital Projects (‘LP’ & ‘SP’) ITS creates and updates only one installment per award as needed. F&A (‘FA’) Financial Analysis creates a new installment at the beginning of the fiscal year for the preliminary estimate of the F&A distribution. In May, installment modifications are made for actual F&A distributions thru April YTD. In July, installments are adjusted for actual distributions for the prior fiscal year. UBO Change Types Type Reason OI Original Installment MP Modification – Permanent MC Modification – Carry forward MT Modification – Target TI Target Installment TM Target Modification ITS Change Types Type Reason ITS - Gift Gifts ITS – Endow Inc Endowment Income ITS – Other Other ITS – Refund Refunds to Donors ITS – Trsf In Transfers In ITS – Trsf Out Transfers Out Questions