IS Request Form: Project Create Attachment Form S E CT I O N A : F O R AL L P R O J E C T S 1. What is the purpose of the project? Please be as specific as possible. Your response should justify the expenditure function that you chose for the project (e.g., setting up lab for Dr. X for research into diabetes). 2. Describe expenditure activity for the project. List the types of anticipated expenditures. 3. Describe expenditure restrictions, if any, placed by donors or parties outside the University of Virginia, on the use of the funds. This includes restrictions on spending the funds for specific departments or purposes. 4. For revenue generating projects only: What is the source of the revenue? 5. If the revenue generating activity is internal service provider related, has it been approved by the University’s Director of Cost Analysis? YES NO Date of Approval (Approval must be obtained before the project will be activated) 6. Can this project be used in the Student Information System (SIS) for student financial activity (e.g., stipends, tuition, scholarships, fellowships, etc.)? YES NO S E CT I O N B : F O R G I F T P RO J E CT S O N L Y – A W A R D I N F O RM A TI O N Award Manager’s name: Award Oversight#1’s name: Award Oversight#2’s name: Email address: Email address: Email address: