CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI 1 PERSONAL INFORMATION First Name Surname Gender Place of Birth Citizenship Marital Status Current Rank/Position : Fred : Masagazi-Masaazi :Male : Buwama, Mawokota, Mpigi District. :Ugandan : Married with Children :Associate Professor and Principal, College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University Current Address College of Education and External Studies Makerere University P.O. Box 7062 Kampala Uganda Tel: + 256 – 772 – 369938 E-mail: 2. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Period Institution Degree/Diploma obtained 1999-2004 Makerere University Doctor of Philosophy in Education 1992-1994 Makerere University Master of Arts in Luganda Language 1989-1990 Makerere University Post Graduate Diploma in Education 1986-1989 Makerere University Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) 3. AREA OF SPECIALISATION Language Education: African languages, mother tongue education, language policy related issues, language research, literature in language. 1 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI 4. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Year Rank 2012 Associate Professor Roles Teaching and Graduate Supervision Other Academic and Professional Roles Supervision of doctoral students Supervision of masters students Teaching Luganda Methods and Content to Master of Education Students Overall coordination of School Practice Year Rank 2001-2011 Senior Lecturer Roles Teaching Luganda Methods and Content to Master of Education Students Coordination of School Practice Presented a keynote address on the theme ‘What the Luganda Language has achieved in the Last Fifty Years’ on the Annual Nsimbi Day. Presented a keynote address on the theme ‘The Youth as Touch Bearer for Development’ in the First Baganda Graduates Conference organised by the Ministry of Youth, Buganda Kingdom. Presented a paper entitled ‘The Language Policy in Lower Primary Education’ in the Annual Luganda Conference Presented a paper entitled ‘Back to the Mother Tongue Instruction in Ugandan Education System: Justification’ in a workshop organised by National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC). Facilitated a workshop in the National Education Graduate Students’ Conference on Educational Research: Processes and Dissemination of Findings. Year 1996-2000 Rank Lecturer Roles 2 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI Teaching Luganda Methods and Content to Master of Education Students, Post-Graduate Diploma in Education Students, Undergraduate Students and Distance Education Students Reviewed the Master of Education in Luganda Programme Reviewed the Post Graduate Diploma in Education – Luganda Programme Reviewed the Bachelor of Arts with Education Semester Programme Supervised Samuel Kironde (M.A. Luganda) Supervised Ssali Damascus (M.A. Luganda) Supervised Male Godfrey (M.A. Luganda Supervised Nabiccu Sarah (M.Ed. Luganda) Supervised Nakazzi Winfred (M.Ed. Luganda) Supervised Louis Kakinda (M.Ed. Luganda) Supervised Nabweggamo Miriam (M.Ed. Luganda) Supervised Nakazzi Winfred (M.Ed. Luganda) Supervised Nankindu Prosperous (M.Ed. Luganda Supervised Nakazzi Winfred (M.Ed Luganda) Internal Examiner of Kabanda I. (M.Ed English) Internal Examiner of Mastullah Nambajjwe (M.Ed German) Internal Examiner of Naddumba Annet (M.A. Luganda) Delivered a paper entitled ‘Setting and Testing in Luganda Convened a workshop on ‘Elaboration of Scientific Concepts in Luganda’ organised by Rednet at Makerere University Presented a paper entitled ‘The Position of Luganda at NCDC under the theme ‘Strategies of Developing the Ugandan Languages. Presented a paper entitled ‘Professional Skills for Luganda Teachers in PTCs’ in a workshop organised for Principal Tutors of PTCs at Kibuli PTC Chaired the Annual Luganda Teachers’ Workshop where he presented a paper entitled ‘Introduction of the Integrated Teaching in Luganda’ Drafted the Bachelor of Education, Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo, Luganda Programme Drafted the Bachelor of Education, Distance Programme (Luganda) Year Rank 1994-1995 Assistant Lecturer Roles Teaching Luganda Methods and Content Participated in the review of luganda language education programmes Member of the Review Panel of Luganda Bible Translation. Bible Society of Uganda Participated in the Primary Teachers’ College (PTC) Syllabus Writing workshop 3 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI Participated in a seminar on the Theme “New Approaches in the teaching of Luganda” organized for teachers of Luganda in Secondary Schools and presented a paper: TheTeaching of Novels in Luganda Executive Committee Member of Ekibiina ky’Olulimi Oluganda 5. MANAGERIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Period Responsibility Held March 2010 – May 2013 Dean, School of Education i. Improved image of the Office of the Dean ii. Weekly updates to members of staff on the developments in the School build rapport and commitment iii. Beautification of the external outlook of the School of Education iv. Successfully coordinated Annual National Conferences in the following disciplines, English & Literature Education, Luganda Language Education, History Education, Geography Education, Kiswahili Language Education, and Economics Education v. Guided a public dialogue on “Uganda @ 50: Where is the Ugandan Teacher?” vi. Engagement in international collaborations and partnerships the LMUU Project to which the School of Education has contributed expertise in curriculum development for the Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education Leadership and Management at Uganda Management Institute. Eight members of the academic staff have been trained in higher education leadership and management The Education for sustainable development (ESD) project (two members ofstaff trained in Sweden and South Africa) Capacity building for academic staff from the University of Juba and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway on the NUCOOP project funded by NORAD (June 2012) Under the Association of Liberian Universities and Makerere University memoranda, Liberian students are pursuing master level degrees in education Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) and the School of Education, Makerere University - Visit to KIE by members of the academic staff in the School of Education in March 2012 Valuable Experience gained Image-building is a crucial element for enhancing staff productivity Teamwork built among academic staff should be sustained Regular involvement of stakeholders has continued to enhance the image of the School of Education 4 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI Curriculum reviews and changes in teacher training in the School of Education have been informed by the experiences of in-service teachers at such forums. Initiating and sustaining international collaborations and partnerships as means for diversifying income and ensuring sustainable quality. Sustaining collaborations for staff development Period 2005-2010 Responsibility Held Head, Department of Language Education, School of Education Key Achievements i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Led the development of the integrated-functional approach to language teaching Leading the process of domesticating language education programmes NORAD-funded research project on a survey of interactive teaching methods in Tertiary Secondary and Primary Schools Initiating and sustaining innovations in teaching in higher education and in teacher education in particular Enhancing quality assurance in academic programmes Capacity development in collaborative research among academic staff 2002-2005 Ag. Head, Department of Language Education, School of Education 2008 – 2013 Minister of Education and Sports, Buganda Kingdom . i. ii. iii. Introduced strategic leadership education activities at all levels Coordinating Private –Private and Private-Public Partnership for Muteesa I Royal University Improved the image and relevance of vocational education 2007-2008 State Minister of Education, Buganda Kingdom i. Entrenching quality and competitiveness among education institutions in the Kingdom 2007 Ex-Officio Member, Muteesa 1 Royal University Council 5 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI 2005-2007 Vice Chairperson of the Academic Committee, Muteesa 1 Royal University Council i. ii. Supervising curriculum reform at the Muteesa 1 Royal University Improved knowledge and skills in curriculum design 2005-2007 i. ii. Member, Muteesa 1 Royal University Council Strategic decisions for the expansion of Muteesa I Royal University Strategic decision making and leadership 2004-2005 Chairman of the Secretariat and Member of Muteesa 1 Royal University Task Force i. ii. Developed the initial concept paper for the Buganda University Improved skills and knowledge in higher education functionality 2001-2007 i. ii. iii. Chairman, Buganda Education Commission Developed the Ministry of Education and Sports Policy on strategy and operational basics Strategy and education policy development and operationalization Improved knowledge and skills in educational policy formulation 1999-2001 Member, Board of Governors, Buganda Royal Institute of Business and Technical Education i. Strategic leadership 1998-2001 Commission i. ii. Member of the Scholarship Committee of the Buganda Education Equity-based decision making 1998-2001 Secretary to the Secondary and Tertiary Committee of Buganda Education Commission i. Strategic leadership 1998-2001 Deputy Secretary to Buganda Education Commission 6 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI i. Strategic leadership 1997-2001 Commissioner of Education, Buganda Education Commission, Ministry of Education & Sports, Buganda Kingdom i. Strategic leadership Other relevant experience Period Responsibility Held 2011 – to date Chairperson, Board of Governors, Makerere College School 2011-2012 Member, Project Board, Building Institutional Capacity for Training Leadership and Management of Ugandan Universities (LMUU) Project 2005 Chairman, Board of Governors, St. James Bulaga 2002-2004 Chief Examiner in charge of Paper 360/3 – Luganda Literature A’ Level 1999-2001 Chairman, Board of Governors, Lubiri High School 2000- to date Advisory Board Member of Voluntary Action for Development – a Local NGO working in Mpigi and Kampala District 1998-2000 External Examiner, Institute of Teacher Education Kyambogo Examinations for Grade V 1997-2000 Member of Luganda Language and Publications Committee, Ministry of Culture, Language and Publications, Buganda Kingdom 1993-1998 1991-1997 1992-1993 1992- to date 1989- to date 1989-1990 Esaze Newspaper Member of the Board of Governors, Pride Academy, Kampala Executive Committee Member, of Ekibiina ky’Olulimi Oluganda Secretary for Youth, Resistance Council 1, Namaalwa II Bukesa Parish Moderator of Luganda Examinations at ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level (UNEB) President: Luganda Teachers’ Association Features writer in a Local Luganda Newspaper: Emmambya 1989-1990 Presenter/Producer of Tuula Tusome Radio Programme. A reviewing programme of Luganda books on Radio Uganda 1989-1990 Presenter/Producer of Emboozi okuva mu Ekibiina ky’Olulimi Oluganda on Radio Uganda 1989 Luganda Examinations Setter ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level (UNEB) 1989 Examiner of Luganda Examinations ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level (UNEB) 1988-1989 Editor of Tuzimbe Oluganda: A bi-annual Journal by Luganda Students of Makerere University 1986-1993 Consultant, Luganda Consultancy Bureau 7 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI 1985-1986 District Branch 1985-1986 Vice Chairman, Luganda Teachers’ Association, Kampala/Mpigi Chairman, Luganda Club of Kampala High School Special Recognition and Achievements 2004 I was the pioneer candidate to be awarded a Ph.D in Luganda, Language Education of Makerere University 1998 Awarded the ‘Ekitiibwa kwe Kwaffe’ by Buganda Kingdom for the exemplary service in the Education and Luganda Language Development 1998 Mutabani wa Kasooba: Literacy piece: on Omuzimu gwa Kasooba: an ‘A’ level set book 1995 Eggwanga Effu: Literacy Commentary on ‘A’ Level set book. Being used in secondary schools offering Luganda at ‘A’ Level 1994 One of the first two candidates to obtain the Master of Arts (Luganda), Makerere University 1992 Co-authored Balya n’Ensekeezi (Poetry book for ‘O’ Level) that was used by secondary schools as a set book, 2001-2003 6. Academic: Research and Publications Refereed Books Today's Language:History and Usage (Olulimi lwaleero: Ennono n’Enkozesa y’ebigambo), 2011, Fountain Publishers The Teacher and Teaching Culture (Omusomesa n’Ebyobuwangwa), 2010, Fountain Publishers Refereed Journal Articles Mulumba, M. B. & Masagazi, M. F. (2012).Challenges to African Development: The Medium of Instruction in Uganda’s Education System. In Pedagogy, Culture & Society. 20 (3), pp. 435-450 Theses/Dissertations - Title of M. A. dissertation: Okugaziya Ebigambo mu Luganda Ebikozesebwa mu Byenjigiriza mu Masomero ga Pulayimale - Title of Ph D thesis: Prospects and Challenges of Improving the Teaching of Luganda through the Integrated-Functional Approach. 8 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR DR. FRED MASAGAZI MASAAZI 9