
Assignment 12: Data Base Queries
Read Snyder Chapter 14 and 17
Do: Lab 3.2
Please also Attach
due: start of next class
10 Points Total
1) Printouts of your movie database query results
Post-lab Questions
Write your answers after completing the lab, but read them carefully now and keep them
in mind during the lab.
1. Databases surround us on the web and everyday life. Now that you have a clearer
idea of what database systems do, find two examples of web sites that you believe
are likely to use databases and discuss what kinds of data they might be storing, as
in the example answer. stores data about products, availability, customers, customer
reviews, advertisements, etc.
2. Identify entities. Suppose you are creating a database to keep track of a radio
station’s CD collection. What are some entities your database might include?
3. Identify relations. What are the relations (many to 1 or many to many) between
the entities you mentioned in 2?
4. Query results and tables look very similar—like a set of tuples. How are query
results and tables different, however?