Project Development Process

Step 1: Project idea submission: Everyone is invited to submit
project ideas. Anything from industry study, to new business
ventures, to consulting on real issues with real businesses is
possible. Your required level of confidentiality is assured. Web
exposure is not required.
Step 2: Submitted projects are reviewed by the MPC Business &
Technology Project Board. Projects are segmented into stages
and targeted to match MPC courses.
Step 3: Project idea author is contacted to discuss possible
involvement and relevant project details.
Step 4: Project stages are written into an assignment outline that
is posted to this site as a "NEW" project.
Step 5: Students select individual project stages to complete as
their class projects, and their work on the selected stage begins.
Students submit their finished project in presentation and written
Step 6: Completed project stage presentations and reports are
posted to this site for public viewing and to serve as a basis for
another student team to continue with subsequent stages.
Student groups continue completing individual stages until each
stage is completed.
Step 7: The final presentation piece is posted to the site along
with each supporting stage. These completed presentations
serve as a community resource for business research, a public
portfolio for students, and a showcase of our business topics at
work in the MPC Business & Technology division.