Applying kernel timers Could we prevent a device-driver from consuming an excessive

Applying kernel timers
Could we prevent a device-driver
from consuming an excessive
amount of processor time?
Degraded system performance
Recall our ‘Interrupt Activity Monitor’ demo
It’s posted on class website (‘activity.cpp’)
Repeatedly called a driver’s ‘read’ function
But used over 99-percent of the cpu time!
(We discovered that fact with ‘top’ utility)
Name of the driver module was ‘activity.c’
Kernel software timers
We also learned how to use kernel timers
An easy-to-use programming interface
Data-object: struct timer_list;
And four kernel functions:
Earlier we encountered Linux task ‘states’
A Linux task can easily be ‘put to sleep’
While asleep a task doesn’t use cpu time
A timer-function could ‘wake up’ our task
How it might work
• Our device-driver’s ‘read()’ functon:
– Before reading any new data, check to see
how long it’s been since we last did a ‘read’
– If we discover we read data quite recently,
then we could set-a-timer and go-to-sleep
– When awakened we’ll return the new data
• This proposed scheme is like a ‘throttle’
What does timer-function do?
Our driver needs a ‘ready’ flag: 0 or 1
The ‘read()’ function sets: ready = FALSE
The timer-function sets: ready = TRUE
‘read()’ will sleep until: ready == TRUE
And timer-function will ‘wake up’ driver
Let’s try it!
• Some demo-code is on our class website:
– Device-driver module: ‘tsc.c’
– Application program: ‘watchtsc.cpp’
• First: Try out the demo (use ‘top’ utility)
• Next: Modify the driver-module
– Add a wait-queue
– Add a kernel timer
• Finally: Use ‘top’ again to check cpu usage
TimeStamp Counter
Pentium cpu has a built-in TSC register
Incremented once every cpu clock-cycle
Register is 64-bits wide (8-bytes)
It won’t overflow for at least a decade!
Accessed using special instruction: ‘rdtsc’
EAX=least significant 32-bits of TSC
EDX=most signigicant 32-bits of TSC