CIE Seminar Series Promo: 25feb2015 [DOC 142.50KB]

ESW Occasional Open Seminar
Wednesday 25th February, 5pm
Room 104, Fulton
César Augusto Guadalupe Mendizabal,
Lecturer/Researcher at Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru &
Fellow at Brookings Institute, Washington, USA, presents:
Views on professionalism by Peruvian teachers:
Trends and current challenges
Research conducted with Peruvian teachers has shown that the way their
ideas on professionalism have been framed has been closely related to major
social processes in the country.
In this seminar, César acknowledges this, whilst incorporating information
from recent changes related to: (i) legal provisions concerning the teaching
profession; (ii) improvement in salary levels; (iii) political debates about
education and the role of teachers; (iv) changes in recruitment policies;
and (v) the expansion of tertiary education.
Understanding that professional identity is never fixed, but continuously
reframed in relation to the professional experience of teachers and the
context where they develop their professional activities, this seminar explores
potential (recent) changes in the way teachers view their profession, and
identifies some major challenges related to recruitment policies and legal
provisions regarding the teaching career.
César will suggest a major shift in educational policy is needed - not only to
enhance the teaching profession, but also to align the operation of education
to a new set of national needs.
This seminar can be joined remotely by logging on to:
This seminar will also be recorded and available to view
retrospectively at: