Fifth Grade News May 2016 Reading Science This month, students: We will begin science the third week of May. We will: Examine the characteristics of graphic text Determine main idea Use context clues to determine meaning or words and phrases Quote accurately from the text to support thinking Analyze multiple accounts of same topic Engage students in small group guided reading Read to be informed in science and social studies Literature Circle Discussions continued Use a microscope to identify the detailed parts of an object Observe and describe specialized cells of multicellular plants and animals Distinguish between learned behaviors and inherited traits Explore the role of DNA on the inherited traits of an individual organism Math 5 Writing This month, students: This month, students: Analyze graphic text writing styles Create and informative graphic text Examine components of Six Traits of WritingIdeas, Voice, Conventions, and Organization Write opinion piece with supporting details Compact Math 5/6 This month, students: Word Study and Grammar This month: Multiply Decimals by 0.1 and 0.001 Multiply Decimals to tenths and hundredths using decimal grids Divide decimals Convert units within the Metric System Spelling patterns Review capitalization and punctuation Comma rules Using interjection Use abbreviations Write/punctuate titles Subject and object pronouns Determine area of 2-D figures Find the volume of prisms Construct nets of 3-D figures Determine the measures of center, spread, and overall shape of a set of dat. Dates to Remember Social Studies This month, students study: Economics: o Give examples of goods and services produced in Maryland o Describe and identify types of fraud o Explain how people make financial choices based on resources and wants. o Describe steps in saving o List sources of credit MAY 4 – WESTLAND VISIT MAY 10 – FIELD DAY (RAIN DATE: 5/13) MAY 17 – PATROL PICNIC AND SOS PARTY MAY 18-24 – PARCC TESTING MAY 25 – CHORUS CONCERT Fifth Grade News