Colegio Britanico de Cartagena Yr 6 Maths

Name:________________________Due Date: __________________
Colegio Britanico de Cartagena
Yr 6 Maths Homework – Decimals and Percent
Q1 Add,Subtract, Multiply, Divide Decimals
a) 4.5 + 7.2
e) 3.9 x 7
b) 7.69 – 4.37
f) 1.2 x 3.4
c) 56.3 + 45.92
g) 55 ÷ 1.1
d) 43.56 – 27.69
h) 3.22 ÷ 0.4
Q2 Percentages
a) What does the word Percent mean?
b) What is 80% written as a fraction?
c) What is 25% written as a fraction?
d) What is 70% of 60?
e) What is 75% of 48?
f) Mark has 45 apples and wants to give Amy 33⅓ of them. How many apples does
Amy get?
g) Explain how to get 40% of any number easily.
Y6 Number
I can add subtract multiply and divide Decimals
I understand Percent
I can find the percentage of a number
I need to practice…