Copper Binding to Premature Galactose Oxidase: Biogenesis of the Tyr-Cys Cofactor Alta Howells Dooley Group Chemistry and Biochemistry The Dooley Group Copper Metalloproteins Amine Oxidase Galactose Oxidase RCH2NH2 + O2 RCHO + NH3 + H2O2 Nitrous Oxide Reductase NO3- NO2- NO N2O N2 RCH2OH + O2 RCHO + H2O2 Why Study Metalloproteins? A perfect example… • 1/3 of all proteins require metals for their function – Fe, Cu, Co, Zn Cytochrome c Oxidase PDB: 1OCC Copper Proteins • Produces reactive oxygen species H2O2, Superoxide, Hydroxyl • Genetic diseases • Green house gases • Biotechnology Galactose Oxidase RCH2OH + O2 RCHO + H2O2 Implication of GO • Secreted from Polyporus circinatus Fr. • Believed to break down tree lignin • Biomedical applications Sensor for colon cancer Disaccharide tumors Bioassays for D-Galactose and Lactose • Synthesis of carbohydrates Structure-Function Relationship How the Structure is Generated The pieces that make it a whole Without those pieces LOSS OF FUNCTION Structure Crystal Structure and Active Site of Galactose Oxidase Y495 Y272 H581 H2O H496 Crystal Structure C228 W290 Essential Cofactors Cu Tyr272-Cys228 Maturation of Galactose Oxidase • Four post-translational modification events: ? Previous Research • Tyr-Cys crosslink is formed with Cu and oxygen or excess Cu(II) (Rogers) • Cu(I) processes at a faster rate than Cu(II) (Whittaker) Rogers, Melanie. Biochemistry, 2008, 47, 39 Whittaker, Mei M. JBC, 2003, 278, 22090 Previous Research • Cu(II)SO4 titration into Premat-GO in anaerobic condition • 406 nm band increases over time and then decays • Yellow complex is formed Rogers, Melanie. Biochemistry, 2008, 47 (39) Current Work on Cu(II) Binding • Binding affinity of Cu(II) • Titrate Cu(II)(Gly)4 complex into Premat-GO in anaerobic conditions • Use UV-Vis and CD spectroscopy • Observe the change in abs (UV-Vis) and molar ellipticity (CD) as we are titrating in Cu(II) • Rate of formation of certain intermediates Experiment 1: Cu(II)(Gly)4 to Premat-GO in aerobic conditions Concentration= .307mM Premature GO ~ 20.9mg/ml 1500 1000 0 -500 -1000 Change in Molar Ellipticity at 490nm 1200 -1500 -2000 1000 -2500 375 400 425 450 475 Wavelength nm 500 525 550 Molar Ellipticity Molar Ellipticity 500 .307mM ApoGO .5:1 Cu:ApoGO 20min. .5:1 Cu:ApoGO 40min. 1:1 Cu:ApoGO 60min. 1:1 Cu:ApoGO 80min. 1.5:1 Cu:ApoGO 100min. 1.5:1 Cu:ApoGO 120min. 2:1 Cu:ApoGO 140min. 2:1 Cu:ApoGO 160min. 800 600 400 200 0 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 [Cu(II)]mM 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 Experiment 2: Cu(II)(Gly)4 to premat-GO in anaerobic conditions Protein Concentration= .247mM Premature GO 0 mol Cu: 1mol ApoGO ~ 16.8mg/mL .2 mol Cu: 1 mol ApoGO .4 mol Cu: 1 mol ApoGO .6 mol Cu: 1 mol ApoGO .8 mol Cu: 1 mol ApoGO 1 mol Cu: 1 mol ApoGO 1.5 mol Cu: 1 mol ApoGO 2 mol Cu: 1 mol ApoGO 4000 2000 1000 0 Change in Molar Ellipticity at 425 nm -1000 -2000 3500 -3000 3000 -4000 2500 -5000 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength nm Issues: • Signal to noise ratio • Protein precipitation Molar Ellipticity Molar Ellipticity 3000 2000 1500 1000 500 0.8 : 1 (Cu : protein) 0 -500 -1000 0.00 0.05 0.10 [Cu(II)]mM 0.15 0.20 0.25 Experiment 3: Cu(II)(Gly)4 complex to PrematGO with anaerobic conditions Concentration= .241mM Premature GO ~ 16.4 mg/mL 2000 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 Change in Molar Ellipticity at 425nm -1500 -2000 2200 425nm 2000 1800 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 1600 Wavelength nm 1400 1200 Issues: • Signal to noise ratio • Incubation time • Temperature affecting kinetics Molar Ellipticity Molar Ellipticity 1500 ApoGO .1 Cu(II) : 1 ApoGO .2 Cu(II) : 1 ApoGO .3 Cu(II) : 1 ApoGO .4 Cu(II) : 1 ApoGO .5 Cu(II) : 1 ApoGO .6 Cu(II) : 1 ApoGO .7 Cu(II) : 1 ApoGO .8 Cu(II) : 1 ApoGO 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 Peaks at a ratio of .5 mol Cu(II): 1 mol Premat-GO -600 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 [Cu(II)]mM Experiment 4: Determining Incubation Time Incubation on ice (4 C) At 25 C 0.5 mol Cu(II) : 1 mol ApoGO Conc. Protein = 11.3mg/mL Abs ApoGO Abs Time 0 Abs 10 mins Abs 20 mins Abs 30 mins Abs 40 mins Abs 50 mins Abs 60 mins Abs 70 mins Abs 80 mins Abs 90 mins Abs 0.10 0.21 0.05 Buffer ApoGO Abs Time 0 Abs 5 mins. Abs 10 mins. Abs 15 mins. Abs 20 mins. Abs 25 mins. Abs 30 mins. Abs 35 mins. Abs 40 mins. Abs 45 mins. Abs 50 mins. Abs 55 mins. Abs 60 mins. Abs Buffer + Cu 0.18 0.15 Absorbance Absorbance 0.15 0.5 mol Cu(II) : 1 mol ApoGO Conc. Protein = 17.7mg/mL 0.12 0.09 0.06 0.00 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0.03 Wavelength nm Intermediate formation in 40 minutes Issues: • O2 contamination 0.00 400 500 600 700 800 Wavelength nm Intermediate formation in 20 minutes 900 Current Research Summary What has been achieved… • Cu(II)(Gly)4 binds to premat-GO • Yellow complex reaches maximum at 0.5:1 (Cu : Protein) • Incubation time: 20 minutes at 25C To obtain quality data… • Reaction temperature • Max protein concentration • Maintain anaerobic condition Acknowledgements