New Imperialism

The motives for late 19th century
imperialism were economic, political,
paternalistic, and racist.
New Imperialism
J. A. Hobson
Joseph Chamberlain
Suez Canal
Boers Wars
Sepoy Mutiny
Alfred T. Mahan
Cecil Rhodes
David Livingstone
Henry Stanley
Boxer Rebellion
Open Door Policy
gunboat diplomacy
Opium Wars
Congress of Berlin
 Access to markets, raw materials and profits
from investments in developing infrastructure
 Reduce prices of goods and provide employment
and economic benefits for workers
 Nationalists argued that imperialism was
necessary for the prestige of their country and for
strategic ports
 Social Darwinist believed that the European
states were engaged in a fierce struggle for
survival and that colonies were important for
 Some argued that it was a moral obligation for
Europeans to spread the benefits of Western
civilization – medicine, education, democracy,
science, and technology to the backwards world
 Christian missionaries believed they were saving
Racist argued that imperialism was justified
because of the inferiority of the African and Asian
Critics said that imperialism was detrimental in
that the taxpayers had to pay for the imperial
armies and navies
Critics, such as Hobson, argued that only the
cash-rich capitalist who needed places to invest
their surplus capital benefited from
Critics argued that imperialist competition
might lead to unnecessary wars
Critics also asserted that imperialism was a
way for the ruling elite to avoid discussing of
domestic problems
Critics argued that such imposition of Western
culture was destructive of native cultures,
religions, and languages and presumed a
superiority that was not always valid
Critics opposed both Social Darwinism and racism
as lacking any scientific basis and said that they
were simply justifying white domination