Contra Costa College Course Outline Department & Number Course Title Prerequisite Challenge Policy Co-requisite Challenge Policy Advisory ESL-135A Pronunciation A none n/a none n/a ESL 123 or appropriate score on ESL Placement Test *HOURS BY ARRANGEMENT: Number of Weeks Lecture Hours Lab Hours *Hours By Arrangement Units 18 36 2 Hours per term. ACTIVITIES: (Please provide a list of the activities students will perform in order to satisfy the HBA requirement): COURSE/CATALOG DESCRIPTION This course provides instruction in pronunciation, emphasizing individual sounds and words, for intermediate and advanced-level ESL students. Students learn to recognize their pronunciation problems, to listen to themselves, and to self-correct. COURSE OBJECTIVES At the completion of the course the student will be able to: 1 Use the sounds and word stress patterns of English. 2. Demonstrate the ability to express themselves in social and academic situations. 3. Speak intelligibly and confidently with others. 4. Monitor speech and self-correct. COURSE CONTENT: (In detail; attach additional information as needed and include percentage breakdown) Word stress Word endings: syllables and –s endings Word endings: syllables and –ed endings Word endings: final consonant sounds and linking Syllables and dictionary basics Consonants Vowels METHODS OF INSTRUCTION 1. Guided activities incorporating audiovisual materials 2. Pair and small group work 3. Lecture INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Clear Speech, 4th Edition Textbook Title: Gilbert, J. Author: Cambridge Publisher: 2012 Edition/Date: COURSE EXPECTATIONS (Use applicable expectations) Outside of Class Weekly Assignments Hours per week Weekly Reading Assignments Weekly Writing Assignments 1 Weekly Math Problems Lab or Software Application Assignments Other Performance Assignments 3 STUDENT EVALUATION: (Show percentage breakdown for evaluation instruments) 20 20 40 20 % % % % Speeches Homework Tests and Quizzes Final Exam GRADING POLICY (Choose LG, CR/NC, or SC) Letter Grade 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D Below 60% = F x Pass / No Pass 70% and above = Pass Below 70% = No Pass Prepared by: Nooshi Borhan & Elisabeth Xiezopolski Content Review Date: 9/23/13 Revised 04/13 Student Choice 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D Below 60% = F or 70% and above = Pass Below 70% = No Pass