Parent Communication (doc)

Dear El Dorado Families,
Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! I hope you had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to a
brand new start. We have some changes in store so I want to take this time to update you.
The school day begins at 7:30am. Our classroom routines begin with the 7:30 bell. Start your child’s day in a
positive way by ensuring s/he is here by this time. It is an important time for your child to connect to his/her
teacher and classmates. We are implementing a new attendance/tardy plan so please do your part for your
child and for the rest of the school.
To assist you, we are changing the arrival routine slightly. When you pull into the parking lot to drop off your
child using the lane closest to the building, pay attention to the signs and the cones. If the buses have already
left, we will want you to pull all the way up to the bus drop-off (past the front door entrance) so more cars can
enter the parking lot. Once everyone has pulled up, car doors will open and children will walk from both
directions to enter the building through the front doors. Remember to arrive prior to 7:30am so your child will
not miss a minute with their teachers.
We are implementing a fantastic, new program called “Leader in Me.” This program is based on the work of
Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People). We will be teaching your children the 7 Habits throughout
the year and tapping into each child’s leadership potential. We will no longer have the agendas that we have
had in the past. You will continue to get feedback about your child’s behavior, attendance and grades. Each
grade level team will develop a home-school communication system that will come home in a plastic folder that
has been color-coded for the grade level. (Kinder-red; 1st grade-orange; 2nd grade-yellow; 3rd grade-green; 4th
grade-blue; 5th grade-purple). It will be important for you to review this folder and sign off on the
communication when it comes home. Watch for details from the grade level teams.
Faculty Changes
Some long-standing faculty members have made decisions to move to other schools and districts. We bid a
warm farewell and best wishes to Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Krueger, Mrs. Barrera, and Mrs. Alvarado. Ms. Gillis also
announced her retirement this summer. On a sad note, we are mourning the loss of Ester Morales, our Family
Specialist, who was killed in a car accident on July 3, 2013. She contributed so much to our school community
through her smiles, laughter, care, and love. We will be honoring her memory throughout the year
We have a tremendous school family –people who regularly go above and beyond and support children as well
as each other. I am looking forward to my sixth year serving our school community. It is truly a joy.
Susan Peery
Thursday, August 22, 2013
4:00pm – 6:00pm