Dear Dr. Plattner, Internationally Collaborative Longitudinal

Dear Dr. Plattner,
This is a revision of the proposal formerly submitted, entitled "Internationally Collaborative Longitudinal
Studies: Group Dynamics, Cultural Capital and Social Networks." The changes to the budget are
adjustments to salaries for new salary scales, travel for Brudner as participant in the training workshops, and
a third year continuation with one month support for PI and the consultant to continue the write-up and
results in making data, software and methodological manuals available.
The revised proposal is intended to address questions put by the reviewers as to sample, data quality,
explication of concepts, detailed hypotheses, preliminary or expected results from the longitudinal studies,
and advances to scientific knowledge generally.
Thank you for granting two additional pages for appendices to detail the work flow.
Douglas R. White,
Department of Anthropology
U.C. Irvine