EWRT2 Fall 2014 Presentations

Presentation Guidelines (Monday/Wednesday)
Directions: Each group is responsible for conducting a verbal semiotic analysis of a piece of popular culture. The
piece will be based on the article for which the group is assigned.
Example: If you are assigned “Why We Love TV’s Anti-heroes,” you may want to bring in a clip of any of the TV
shows referenced and apply the claims by Stephen Garrett as true or false. But you may also springboard into other
realms like heroes or heroines in TV shows or movies (like Zombies or Draculas) that are similar or vastly
different and conduct a semiotic analysis of one of these. As a helpful aid, look at the “Reading the Signs” section
after the article for some ideas. Feel free to use powerpoint, overheads, pictures, games, prizes, role playing or
anything else that might be useful. Have fun, be as creative as you like, and get the class involved!
Grading: This is 10% of your grade. Each member of the group is responsible for speaking in the presentation
(divide in appropriate ways if you need to ensure this), and verbally demonstrating understanding of the article,
depth of critical analysis, and clarity and creativity of presentation. In addition, each member is to write up a brief
summary of the work he/she did and how it impacted his/her understanding of pop culture and semiotic
analysis. Each group member is graded individually.
Length: Each member should speak for at least 5 minutes. So the group time will be subject to # of people and
length of audio or visual used.
Date: Each group will have an assigned date, but due to the nature of the class, presentations are subject to being
rolled over to the next day.
1) “Why We Love TV’s Anti-heroes” 9/29
2) “Voting Democracy Off the Island” 10/6
________________ __________________
3) “The Social Networks” 10/8
_________________ _________________
4) “It’s All about You” and “Enough about You” 10/15_________________ ________________
5) “Students Addicted to Social Media”
6) “Videogames, Avatars, and Identity”
10/20 _________________ _________________
_________________ ________________
7) “Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ Backlash” 11/5
_________________ ________________
8) “What We Are to Advertisers” 11/112
9) “Men’s Men and Women’s Women” 11/12
10) “Kid Kustomers” 11/19
EWRT 2 Presentation: Checklist of Points
1. Knowledge of Reading : (__________________ out of 25 points)
2. Clarity and Creativity: (____________________ out of 25 points)
3. Analytical Skills:(__________out of 25 points)
4. Written Summary: (______________ out of 25 points)
Total: _______________ out of 100 points