Pertemuan 23 Overview of Transport Layer Ports 1

Pertemuan 23
Overview of Transport Layer Ports
Discussion Topics
TCP operation
Synchronization process or 3-way handshake
Denial-of-service attacks
Windowing and window size
Sequencing numbers
Positive ACK
UDP operation
Telnet Port Numbers
Reserved TCP and UDP Port
Ports for Clients
• Whenever a client connects to a service
on a server, a source and destination port
must be specified.
• TCP and UDP segments contain fields for
source and destination ports.
Port Numbering and WellKnown Port Numbers
• Port numbers are divided into three
different categories:
– well-known ports
– registered ports
– dynamic or private ports
Port Numbers and Socket
Comparison of MAC
addresses, IP addresses, and
port numbers
• A good analogy can be made with a
normal letter.
• The name on the envelope would be
equivalent to a port number, the street
address is the MAC, and the city and state
is the IP address.