Wireless Video Streaming

Wireless Video Streaming
Mikko Ruotsalainen
”Performance of H.263 Video Transmission over Wireless Channels
Using Hybrid ARQ,” H.Liu, and M. El Zarki, IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 15, No. 9, Dec. 1997, pp.
”Feedback-Based Error Control for Mobile Video Transmission,” B.
Girod, and N. Farber, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 87, No. 10, Oct.
1999, pp. 1707-23
”Wireless MPEG-4 Video Communication on DSP Chips,” M.
Budagavi, W.R. Heinzelman, J. Webb, and R. Talluri, IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine, Jan. 2000, pp. 36-53
Performance of H.263 Video
Transmission over Wireless
Channels Using Hybrid ARQ
Concatenated Hybrid ARQ
two conventional hybrid ARQ schemes
– type-I
 parity bits for both error detection and error correction in
every transmitted packet
 if error can not be corrected, packet is rejected and
retransmission is requested
– type-II
 erroneus packet is kept for future rather than discarded
like in type-I scheme
 redundancy bits are transmitted only when needed (more
and more redundancy is sent until errors can be
– based on Reed-Salomon and rate-compatible punctured
convolutional (RCPC) codes
– combines the advantages of both type-I and type-II
certain error correction capability with every packet
the information can be recovered from each transmission
or retransmission alone
retransmitted packet contains redundancy bits, which
combined with previous transmitted packet, result
powerful RS/convolutional concanated code
– employs three codes C0, C1 and C2
C0 is cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code used for error
C1 is RCPC code for error correction
C2, is half-rate invertible shortened Reed-Salomon code
for both error detection and correction
– code rate at the RCPC can be selected according to the
channel conditions
Coding using CH-ARQ
Using RS code form parity block P(D). (D,P(D))
is code word in C2.
k information (D) blocks are interleaved and
CRC based on C0 is attached to interleaved
blocks to form macroblock I.
I is encoded with RCPC encoder and
information packet is transmitted to the receiver
If no ACK is received, states 2 and 3 are
performed for parity blocks P(D) to form parity
Decoding using CH-ARQ
Decode using RCPC
CRC check
If no error is detected send ACK, else
deinterleave and store received information
Do 1 and 2 for parity packet.
If no error is detected, invert parity packet to get
the information, else combine parity packet with
information packet to form RS code
Error correction is performed on the RS code
Performance Analysis
For the performance analysis Multistate Markov
channel model (MSMC) is used to model the
fading radio channel
– Bit-error rate (BER) and SNR change over time
– the channel quality at any instant depends on the
previous channel condition
– model is constructed by partitioning the range of SNR
into multiple intervals
– each state in MSMC correspond to one interval and is
characterized by particular BER
– probabilities for state transitions derived from the
Rayleigh fading channel model
– assumptions: fading is slow, transtions happen only
after packet transmission and state can change only to
it’s neighboring states
Numerical results
– CH-ARQ over MSMC modeled radio channel
– RCPC rates 1, 4/5 and 4/8, Viterbi decoder
– under a certain channel condition it is possible to find
optimal code rate that yields low RPER and high
Simulation of H.263
CH-ARQ error control scheme is simulated in
H.263 video transmission
 Rayleigh fading simulator is used to simulate the
radio channel (instead of MSMC used in
numerical analysis)
 average peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and
objective video qualitity assesment using grade
point (GP)
 for each channel SNR there is RCPC rate that
maximizes visual quality (adaptive algorithm)
Feedback-Based Error Control for
Mobile Video Transmission
Motion-Compansated Hybrid Coding
two modes: INTRA and INTER coding
– INTRA: intraframe is coded with no reference
– INTER: motion-compansated prediction is carried out
by estimating the motion between successive frames
and the residual is intraframe code
H.263 coding standard
each picture is divided into macroblocks (MB)
each MB is either INTRA or INTER coded
in INTER mode one motion vector / MB
a fixed number of MB´s form group of block (GOB)
for low-bit rate acceptable image quality
Decoding the Erroneus Video Bit
error detection and resynchronization
– a single bit error may cause loss of synchronization,
since variable length code (VLC) words are used
– GOB headers are used as resynchronization points
(previous GOB discarded entirely)
– errors can be detected using forward error correction
– video decoder itself can detect errors (syntax violations)
error concealment
– the visual effect of errors is minimized using error
concealment techniques
– simplest and most common approach is corrupted
pixels are replaced pixels from previous frame
not very good approach when heavy motion
– motion vectors can be used for motion-compansated
error propagation
– errors remaining after the concealment propagate to
successive frames and stay visual for long time
– decay of propagation determined by two effects
some blocks encoded in INTRA mode (stops
spatial filtering in motion-compensated predictor
Error Mitigation by Feedback
error tracking
– uses INTRA mode for some MB´s to stop error
– when decoder finds errors that can not be corrected it
sends NACK
– when receiving NACK encoder calculates the error
distribution (using past motion vectors), and encodes
next MB´s using INTRA mode
error confinement
– motion compensated prediction within region, no error
propagation from region to another region
– encoding efficiency suffers
reference picture selection
– instead of coding with INTRA mode, use correctly
coded INTER –frames as reference
– decoder uses either ACK or NACK, to inform how
succesfull the decoding has been (can GOB´s be used)
– if encoder (doesn’t) receives NACK (ACK), it does not
use that GOB as reference to encode, but the last
correctly decoded frame
Video Transmission over a Wireless
DECT Channel
Wireless MPEG-4 Video
Communication on DSP Chips
DSP processors
DSP processor features for wireless video
– low power consumption
– Viterbi accelators
– multiply-accumulate (MAC)
– barrel shifters abd bit-manipulation support
– various memory access modes for efficient data transfer
– software reuse (time-to-market)
– processors have to be size-, cost- and power-efficient
– usually DSP instruction sets support application spesific
instruction (MAC, Viterbi accelators)
– memory-to-memory data transfer using direct memory
access (DMA)
– zero overhead loops and conditional execution to avoid
flushing the pipeline
– low-power DSP´s include IDLE or power-down modes
pictures are coded either in INTRA (I-frame) or
INTER (P-frame) mode (similar to H.263)
basic unit is macroblock 16x16 pixels
no required pattern for I- and P-frames
individual macroblocks within P-frame can be
image or the residual is split into 8x8 blocks and
DCT is calculated for these
for INTER coded macroblocks motion
information is also transmitted
error resilience tools included in MPEG-4
– resynchronization markers
 when ever error is detected, decoder jumps to next
marker to synchronize
– data partioning
– header extension codes (HEC)
– reversible variable length codes (RVLC)
Issues in implementing video coding
– memory allocation: on-chip memory is faster
than off-chip memory, but very limited
– data transfer: management of data transfer from
off-chip to on-chip memory (DMA)
– DSP –friendly algorithms: processor may
support instructions that favor some algortihms
– development tools: compilers (C instead of
assembler), debugging tools
Performance of the MPEG-4
simple-profile SQCIF encoder and decoder
on 40 MHz TMS320C541 (40 MIPS)
– encoder 1 f/s and decoder 20 f/s of simple
talking-head sequence
– more powerfull DSP´s needed to implement
both decoder and encoder
– more powerfull DSP´s needed to support higher
ex. low power C55x DSP platform offer 288
to 600 MIPS (144 to 200MHz)