Format for registering reviewers: Name: Affiliation: Academic rank: Best Contact: email, fax, regular mail Research specialty: (5-6 keywords including geographic region) Willing to review books: yes_______, no_______ Email the form to: Classifications we presently use for research specialties: Animal Husbandry, Farming and ranching Gender issues Nomadic pastoralism Risk management Agriculture Agricultural intensification and development Arid zones Industrial farming Intensive farming and irrigation Risk management in agriculture Tropical agriculture Horticulture/slash-and-burn Industrial farming Rice Farming Archaeology Historical archaeology Zoo-archaeology Conservation Eco-tourism Forestry Marine & water resources Natural resource management Wild life Demography and Population distribution Family, household and kinship Gender issues Migration Nutrition Population dynamics Public health Reproductive issues Settlement patterns and habitation Ethno-botany (traditional or indigenous botany) Food resources Medical Foraging and Hunting and Gathering Arctic-circumpolar Arid zone Risk management Tropical zones Forestry Conservation and management Forest products Historical ecology Human Geography GIS Settlement patterns Land tenure, property rights and common property Access to resources Conflict issues Ethnicity issues Gender issues Political ecology "Tragedy of the commons" Marine resources Conservation Fisheries Wetlands and coastal habitats Planned Development Impacts of rural/urban Impacts of "structural adjustment" Local knowledge NGO activities Sustainable Agriculture Regional or Geographic Focus Australia and New Guinea Arctic North America Central America South America Northern Europe Central and Eastern Europe Southern Europe Southwestern Asia (including Turkey, Middle East, India) Central Asia China Eastern Asia Southeastern Asia Northern Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Eastern Africa Western Africa Southern Africa Other