Logistics Survey Background Name(Optional)___________________ Rank____________________ Organization(Current or Most Recent)_______________________ Survey Questions 1. What logistics position(s) have you served in/are you serving in? 2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rank the importance of logistics reform to modernization of the Army? 10 is of the most importance. 3. Are you satisfied with current (or during your tenure) logistics support to your organization? 4. Are you satisfied with the means of reporting requirements? How can these be improved? 5. Are you satisfied with the method of order/requirement status updates? How can this be improved? 6. Are you satisfied with the actual delivery of support? 7. Do you think that a logistics software package or electronic device, such as a PDA, would be beneficial in modernizing logistics operations or would such a device be superfluous? 8. What should the capabilities of such a package be? Circle all that apply and add additional performance features. What are the limitations of such a package? a. Track requirements b. Submit requirements to your support unit c. Utilize existing communication equipment d. Track on-hand cargo/supplies and their current locations 9. Do you think that a program that assisted in allocating cargo/supplies on to available haul asset would be beneficial or unnecessary to logistics operations? 10. Would this capability be more useful as a real-time or pre-operation planning resource? Add any relevant comments.