english 0099 syllabus

Sec. 07 - T/Th 5-6:15 | Sec. 08 - T/Th 6:30 - 7:45 | Sec. 09 - T/Th 8 - 9:15
Department of University Studies
Kennesaw State University
Course Web Site:
Instructor: Bridget A. Doss
Office: Library 422
Office Hours: By Appointment
Email: bdoss@kennesaw.edu
Phone: 770-423-6207 Please leave a message.
ourse Description
English 0099 is a Learning Support Programs course that prepares students for
credit courses in English. This course emphasizes principles of good writing, particularly
in clear and logically written essays. This class follows a workshop format. It is
imperative that you attend and participate in class writing, reading, grammar and
discussion activities. It is the understanding and experience of the instructor that the
more you write, the better you will write. Therefore, you will be working on and
completing some sort of writing assignment each week in preparation of the final Writing
English 0099 is designed to help students master the fundamentals of correct and
effective essay writing so that they may successfully complete the exit requirements for
the course and enter English 1101 with reasonable expectations of successfully
completing that course. English 0099 focuses on the principles and the practice of
correct, effective writing, including standard English usage, organization, development
and coherence of ideas, as well as correct grammar and mechanics.
equired Text & Materials
Langan, John. College Writing Skills with Readings. 5TH Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Two (2) 3.5 floppy disks to be brought to every class.
rading and Exit Requirements
In order to exit successfully ENGL 0099, you must make a grade of C or better in
your coursework, pass the Writing Sample and, if required by your instructor, pass the
Grading scale
90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 60-69% = D
English 0099, Secs. 07, 08, 09 - B. Doss | Syllabus - Fall 2002 - Dept. of Univ. Studies - KSU - Page 1
Grade distribution
Four (4) Process Essays
Two (2) In-Class Topical Essays
Writing Portfolio
Participation & Preparedness for Reading and Writing Activities
English 0099 is a process-centered writing course. Therefore, you will be expected to
do a great deal of planning, writing, and revising during class. Through the following
exercises and activities, you will get much practice with writing in a timed setting as well
as exploring, in a more lengthy manor, the process of writing. Because of the workshop
nature of this class, it is vital that you attend, are prepared for and participate in
classroom writing activities and discussions.
Here is a breakdown of the assignments you will be completing for English 0099:
1. Reading Assignments from College Writing Skills with Readings (CWSR). Your
course schedule indicates all assigned readings for this course. Make sure you
complete all activities in the assigned chapters from your textbook. I will elaborate on
these in class.
2. In-Class Writing Activities
There will be many in-class writing activities where we will explore different aspects
of the writing process.
3. Four Process (out of class) Essays
These essays will be based on our readings, comprise a majority of your grade, and
will be completed out of class. Please note on your course schedule when the first
and final drafts of these papers are due.
4. Two Topical (in-class) Essays
These papers will mimic the Writing Sample and will give you practice in writing
timed essays. The topics will be distributed the class period before you actually write
the essay. These essays comprise almost half of your grade. You should be able to
gage your success or failure concerning the Writing Sample based on the
assessment of these essays.
5. Writing Portfolio
A more detailed list of the make-up of your Writing Portfolio will be given to you at
6. Grammar Workshops and Conferences
In the class period before your out of class essays are due, we will have a chance to
discuss concerns or problems with your writing. Also, on designated days, according
to your course schedule, we will have Grammar Workshops based on the grammar
needs of the class. During these times, we will complete grammar exercises and
activities germane to your writing needs.
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lass Policies
It is very important that you attend class. If you must be out for an emergency, you must
contact me immediately. If you have more than two (2) unexcused absences, your
participation grade will be lowered by one letter grade. Each time you accumulate two
unexcused absences, your participation grade will be lowered one letter grade.
 No wearing of baseball caps in class.
 Please be respectful of and polite to your fellow classmates and instructor especially
during class discussions.
 Please communicate with your instructor your concerns about your writing and this
 Check my web site regularly for class assignments.
ESL/International Students
There are many resources for ESL students within the Department of University
Studies. We have an ESL Lab with a tutor on duty who will help you with your writing
needs. Within this lab, there are many computer software programs and resources to
improve your English grammar and writing skills. You may also check my web site for
links to web sites that will help you improve your grammar and writing skills
independently. Please see your instructor if you have any questions.
The Writing Center
The Writing Center is a resource for improving your writing outside of class. It is staffed
with tutors all hours of the day. I urge you to go and seek help from the Writing Center.
One note, however, they will not "proofread" any papers. Make sure you go with specific
composition or grammar questions concerning your writing. Here is their web site
where the hours of operation are listed:
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