General Medicine Meeting Minutes

Annual Planning Meeting Minutes
General Medicine Timley Topics
Department of Internal Medicine
General Medicine Timley Topics series starts in the month of September and runs through the
end of May.
At the end of the 2009-2010 series, evaluations are collected from the participants and
comments are reviewed by the chief of the division. Based on this information, Dr Cringle asks
for suggestions from faculty members regarding speaker and topics. While no official meeting
is held, emails are exchanged and speaker lists are generated through faculty dialog.
Documentation regarding RSS planning, from the actively involved faculty is attached.
The following faculty participated in the 2010 – 2011 process:
Leonard Feelgood, MD
Albert Einstein, MD
Mary Marcarelli, MD
Jekyll Hyde, MD, PhD
Christopher Cringle, MD
Frank Enstein, MD, PhD
Linda Thompson, Coordinator
Sample email to faculty requesting help in determining guest speakers
Sample letter to selected guest speakers
List of potential speakers, potential dates and suggested topics