SIGiST New Speaker Mentoring Scheme 2016 Application Form :

SIGiST New Speaker Mentoring Scheme
2016 Application Form
When completed please submit this form Isabel Evans:
This form is for a 2016 New Speaker Mentoring Scheme Application. UK Based speakers only.
New speakers are people who have not spoken publically before at either a conference or seminar. New speakers should
complete this form as best they can. If selected they will work with a mentor to develop their submission.
For 2016, we will also accept applications for mentoring from applicants with minimum speaking experience who wish to
improve. Minimum means no more than 2 presentations at small/medium public events.
Speaker Name
Contact e-mail
Contact telephone
For use up to and on the day
Contact social media
e.g. twitter, linked in, etc.
Presentation Type:
Short talk (mentoring scheme)
Presentation Title:
Draft Abstract (approx.
For now this is just your idea for the presentation and what you think you will do in the
150 words):
session. If you are having trouble completing this box look at previous BCS SiGIST events and
the abstracts that speakers have written.
3 Key Points that you
want your audience to
take away:
For now this is just your first thoughts on what your audience might get out of your session. If
you are having trouble completing this box look at previous BCS SiGIST events and the key
points that speakers have written.
Speaker Biography
(approx. 100 words)
Have you done any
presentations to
audiences before?
e.g. at college, at work, speeches at weddings/birthday parties, other public event? Tell us
about it.
Subject matter
What is your experience in IT and in the specific topic of your presentation?
Level of talk
Suitable audience members are beginners / intermediate / expert testers/ anyone
Expenses Policy
NOTE: UK Applicants
onlyfor this scheme
Expenses paid only if negotiated with the programme secretary prior to the event.
The new speaker scheme is only open to UK Speakers:
no payment to UK based speakers if funded by their own company
in exceptional circumstances we can pay up to a maximum of £100 if agreed in advance
We do not pay hotel accommodation for UK speakers
Will you require help with expenses (yes / no):
If you have any questions about submitting this information, please do not hesitate to contact us
using the email addresses at the top of the page.