CSE1301 Project 2 – Continuing Your Game

CSE1301 Project 2 –
Continuing Your Game
Defining the player class correctly = 25%
Used good programming commenting, formatting and modularity = 25%
Defining the adversary class correctly = 25%
Handling user input correctly for the two players = 25%
Apply basic programming structures in program solutions, including logical
expressions, selection, and repetition.
Develop correct, efficient, and documented code.
Define and use classes in program solutions.
Compile and run programs in the Windows environment.
1. Continue your game creation by defining classes for the player and
adversary/enemy entities in your game.
o These classes should have the ability to update and render
o These classes should know where they are in the world
2. Establish at least two objects of the player class, each independent of each other
3. Handle user input – mapping different keys (and Vita controller) to each player
4. Use good commenting and whitespace/indentation throughout your code
5. The enemy class must have the enemy move over time; this can be somewhat
simple, but the enemy position/state must change over time.
Submitting your project
1. ZIP/compress the entire project file for this solution/application. Include this
project ZIP within the overall ZIP file for the submission.
2. Submit this ZIP file into the D2L system for this project in the appropriate project
assignment location.