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Game-Based Learning: FPS in Education

ISSN: 2522-3348
Publisher: Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur
Game Based Learning using First Person Shooter – Battle of
Faiza Mehboob Qaimkhani, Noorl-ain-Basir, Zeeshan Bhatti*
Institute of Information and Communication Technology,
University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Siindh, Pakistan
faizafarooqui35@gmail.com, *zeeshan.bhatti@usindh.edu.pk
Game development is vastly becoming a new medium of teaching and training students. Through game,
this research work aims to develop an interactive tour of our institutional and its various features. “The
Battle of IICT” is a 3D First Person Shooter game which enables and exposes the students towards the 3D
Game Development using game-based learning theory. The story behind the game is that the terrorist
have attack the IICT and the commando team have to rescue and clear the department from the terrorist.
The methodology involved using Unity game engine with First Person Shooter technique to create an
interesting and interactive gameplay for the user. The real first-person shooter asset was used to provide
player and game controls. The locations were modelled and textured in Autodesk Maya and imported in
unity with terrain mesh setup.
Key Words: First Person Shooter; Battle; Game Development; FPS.
The first two decades of 21st century have seen
tremendous outburst of technological cultures, from
„blogging‟ [1], online data and file sharing services
[2], and computer, PlayStation based personalized
games [3]. This technological outburst has created a
digital culture that has radically changed the norms of
living, communicating, socializing and even learning
or education. This lifestyle change is predominant in
young generation. Kids and teenagers now days are
more self-involved in computer and mobile
technologies to such an extent, that it is absolutely
impossible to separate them. The need of hour is to
update the rules of engagement and use the
technology to our advantage. Game based educational
model is an old approach, underpinning education
through games, applying pedagogical approach,
learning outcomes, and challenges for providing taskbased education through games [4] Use of multimedia
contents is measured as a highly favourable and
relatively obligatory. This gives a birth to principle of
multimedia learning. Multimedia learning deals with
using multiple media contents, such as Text, Images,
Video, Audio and Animation, for teaching and
learning purpose [5].
Gaming in Pakistan has also become extremely
popular with more of teenagers getting involved in
playing computer games all the time. The purpose of
the project is to teach the fresh bachelors students of
university about the institution. The idea is that, that
there should be a game which is made in Pakistan, in
which our local environment is shown in the game
background as models and props along with the story
of game should also be related to our local situation.
The First-Person Shooter (FPS) is genre of games that
involve a perspective view of a person carrying a gun
in hand [6]. The game allows the player to walk
around in a location with aim of finding and
destroying enemy targets. With this aim, the gamer
can understand and explore the environment, which in
our case is the building of IICT. This project follows
the game rules of a various popular game known as
“Counter Strike” as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Counter Strike
*Corresponding Author: zeeshan.bhatti@usindh.edu.pk
Qaimkhani et al.
We have played many games, but very few games are
actually based on the location and models in which
we live and see every day. This first-person shooter
game is based the location of our institute in which we
study. As we spent most of the time in our institution
we are aware of the building and its nooks and
corners. Therefore, creating a game based on this
location is already very interesting and fun. Then the
purpose was to educate the new comers‟ and
unfamiliar students‟, to get them familiar and teach
them about our institution.
The story boarding behind the game is that, the
terrorist has attacked on IICT and now the team
(soldier) has to rescue the department from the
terrorist, soldiers will fight with terrorist for the IICT
The objective of this project is to provide gaming
knowledge, entertainment along with education.
Thorugh this project we aim to educate university
students of not only about our institution, but also
about how to develop games, and about game
development approaches, tools and technologies.
Our game title is “BATTLE OF IICT” which is based
on the campus environment. All the models and
locations, objects and props are taken from real
environment and model to resemble exactly the same.
The rooms and their furniture have been altered to
cater for the game size. The story is inspired form the
APS incident, in which terrorists had attacked a
school in Peshawar and a large number of children
had died. In this game a similar terrorist attack has
been shown in which the institution building is under
siege and the military commando tries to kill all the
terrorists and rescue the students.
Gaming has long been a part of young culture from
physical to digital games being played by every young
and old equally. The Use of digital computer based
games has progressed and integrated in our daily
routines to a very huge extent [7]. As the hardware
and software used to play games increases in terms of
their capabilities and capacity, so do the computer and
video game industries, which have grown from
markets in the past to a more diverse and mainstream
market. Huge number of games have been developed
and are being played throughout the world and to
discuss them would be beyond the scope of this paper.
IJCET VOL2(2)- Pg:6-10
However, we present few most commonly used
games. The First ever known FPS game is Maze War
developed in 1974, gave the concept of perspective
view of player with just a gun in hand being shown in
Figure 2 [7]. This originated the concept of FPS
which was then followed my thousands of games
developed to date.
Figure 2: Maze War Game
Following the FPS concept, another revolutionary
game known as “Doom” was developed in 1995
which later became a franchise and a bench mark for
future games [8]. The latest version of the game was
released with very high-end graphics in 2016 as
reboot of the original as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Doom game Player view
Similarly, another most famous FPS game of this era
is Counter Strike or simply known as CS launched in
1999 shown in Figure 4. It is based on multiplayer
concept where human players join the same game
location to fight with each other [9].
Figure 4: Counter Strike Game [9]
Qaimkhani et al.
The FPS game is developed in UNITY 5 game engine
and using Real First Person Shooter (RFPS) assets for
the main FPS player game controller. The RFPS
provides the main scripts and logic of controlling the
use player with first person view along with gun
The game architecture and development timeline
followed in this project is shown in Figure 5. The
project was initiated first with prototyping phase
where initial game designing was done. Then in the
second phase the game scene development was
initiated with importing location model from Maya
into unity for first level. The FPS asset plugin was
imported as well with integration of NPC enemy
characters. The third phase involved with adding
major details into the game level with, collision
detections, texture correctios, FPS settings, Enemy AI
settings and many other. The last phases involve
playing the game and testing the game object
IJCET VOL2(2)- Pg:6-10
The game level is designed based on the map of
Institute of Information and Communication
Technology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro building.
The building map was replicated in autocad, and
structure was modeled in Autodesk Maya Student
learning edition. The game will start from this scene
shown in figure 6, the player will come through the
main gate of IICT. Then he will walk and go inside
the main building where he would initially collect all
the weapons and ammo.
Figure 6: Front View and Entrance of IICT
Figure 6 shows the main entrance to the IICT
building. The main game starts from this point
forward. Whereas, Figure 7 shows the side lawn of
the IICT building.
Figure 7: Right side Lawn
Figure 8 shows the seminar libray room with Books,
Bookshelfs, Chairs, tables.
Figure 5: Unity Game development architecture (source:
Qaimkhani et al.
IJCET VOL2(2)- Pg:6-10
the game play game. Weapons could be changed and
Reload. Items could be pick like gun in the
environment (Enemies Guns).
Figure 8: Seminar Library room
The class room view is shown in figure 9 with chairs,
White board and other props.
A Non-Player Character (NPC) is a termed used for
computer players that are automatically controlled and
moved by computer. These NPS‟s are usually the
enemy characters in a game whose actions are
controlled by a particular AI script which has triggers
set that initiate certain behaviors of the NPC enemy.
Once the scene and level is setup and integrated with
RFPS assets providing the main game control, the
next phase is to integrate the enemy characters using
the AI scripts. Main Scripts used in this game to
control NPC and define their behavior are given as
• EnemyAttack, in this script range is defined from
how many points enemy can shoot the player.
• EnemyAnimation, in this Scripts are written for
calling the animations.
• EnemyChasing, in this scripts waypoints are made
on which enemy will move, in this enemy
Figure 9: Class room view
The First Person Shooter (FPS) asset in unity provides
the main control of first person player with player
camera and gun camera setup automatically. The
additional player settings are tweaked in inspector
window in unity. Advanced versions of FPS known is
Real First Person Shooter prefab (RFPS) were used
that provide advance high level control of the user
player object, shown in Figure 10.
• EnemyAI, in this script AI of enemy is controlled,
how enemy will listen, how it would be active if
player comes closer to it how enemy will attack?
• CharacterDamage, in this when enemy dies then
live body have to change with dead body when enemy
losses his health
Figure 11: Enemy model
The animation flow of the characters.
Figure 10: FPS View
In this we must set the Player Controls for moving in
all directions within the environment. Second, we
need Weapons, Ammos, which we can picked during
Figure 12: Enemy Animation
Qaimkhani et al.
IJCET VOL2(2)- Pg:6-10
The movement of enemy characters was done through
setting terrain mesh with setting waypoints for the
enemies where you want enemies to move at different
places. Enemies patrol speed is controlled using
scripting which can be increased and decreased to
make enemy more active or passive. In the given seen
enemy is placed in the classroom, where the player
shot the enemy.
control. Various unity based plugins were used to
achieve AI based controls of the game events. The
final game is a fully playable FPS game located in
IICT building with full terrorist action. In future we
need to expand the game to more buildings of the
university and increase the role-playing scenarios and
levels. More better AI plugin can be used to control
the difficulty of the game and NPC‟s.
This final year project work was carried out in
Multimedia Animation and Graphics (MAGic)
Research Group under the supervision of Dr. Zeeshan
Bhatti, Institute of Information and Communication
Technology. I am extremely thankful to Ms. Noor-ulAin Basir for her immense support, coaching and
assisting me in this game development project.
Figure 13: Enemy Shot down
The game menu interface consists of basic option that
are needed for the game. Main Menu of Game is
designed using Adobe Photoshop, buttons and
background image, then importing them all in Unity.
First images sprite is made in unity in order to use
them for UI. Buttons tasks are set using scripting
Background Music is there which could be on of by
clicking on sound button. UI is designed then applied
logics using scripts (coding) for play, sound, help and
exit menu
[1] Kellner, D. (2004). Media Culture and the Triumph of
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[2] Lessig, L. (2004). The creative commons. Mont. L.
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[3] Pearce, C. (2006). Seeing and being seen: Presence and
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[4] Bhatti, Z., Mahesar, A. W., Bhutto, G. A., & Chandio, F.
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Leaning through 3D Animation. Sukkur IBA Journal of
Computing and Mathematical Sciences, 1(2), 25-30.
[5] Bhatti, Z., Abro, A., Gillal, A.R., Karbasi, M., (2017).
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International Journal of Computer Science and Emerging
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[6] Wikipedia, First person (Video game). Retrieved 10, 4,
2016, from Wikipedia the free
Figure 14: Game menu interface
[7] Arsenault, D. (2009). Video game genre, evolution and
innovation. Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture,
3(2), 149-176.
The aim of this project was to develop a game that
would enable its player to learn about our institution
and various features. Through this FYP game a
educational tour and training is given to students in a
fun and entertaining way. The building and locations
were modeled in MAYA and exported into unity for
[8] Levine, J., Bates Congdon, C., Ebner, M., Kendall, G.,
Lucas, S. M., Miikkulainen, R., ... & Thompson, T. (2013).
General video game playing.
[9] Wikipedia, Counter Strike, Retrieved 10, 15, 2016. from
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia.