PERTEMUAN 3-4 Sebutkan dua pendekatan itu.

1. Untuk menilai suatu surat berharga dapat dilakukan dengan dua pendekatan.
Sebutkan dua pendekatan itu.
2. Jelaskan masing-masing proses penilaian menurut kedua pendekatan tersebut.
3. Dalam rangka penilaian suatu surat berharga faktor atau variabel apa saja yang
harus dianalisis?
4. Dalam theory penilaian ada dua proses yaitu proses penilaian dan proses
pembuatan keputusan. Rincikan masing2 proses tersebut.
5. Return investasi bisa berbentuk dua hal yaitu
6. Calculate the expected returns for the stock. Its current price is $ 125. Its next
expected dividend is $ 21. And you expect to sell it for $ 137 in one year.
7. An analyst projects that a stock will pay a $ 2 dividend next year and that it will
sell for $40 at year-end. If the required rate of return is 15%, what is the value of
the stock?
8. What would an investor be willing to pay for a 30-year, semiannual 8% coupon,
$1000 par value bond with an A rating? The nominal risk-free rate of interest is
7%, and A rate bond sell at a 2% risk premium over the nominal risk-free rate.
9. What would an investor be willing to pay for a share of preferred stock that paid
an annual $7 dividend if ther yield on preferred was 0.25% dibawah A bond yield
10. Dalam investment process, keputusan paling penting yang harus diambil adalah
untuk menentukan?