International Emerging Environmental Security Issues

Environmental security
is environmental viability for life support, with three
• preventing or repairing military damage to the
• preventing or responding to environmentally
caused conflicts
• protecting the environment due to its inherent
moral value.
Preventing or repairing military damage
to the environment
• complex and uncertain international security landscape
multipolarity (economic, political, military)
increased number of fragile states, national instability, intrastate vs interstate
continued growth and power of non-state actors
multidimensional conflicts (“hybrid” threats)
climate change (nature of operations & impact on military capabilities)
technological advancements (weapons & weaponizable)
militarization of global commons
space, EMP, etc (natural & man-made)
new forms of defense strategies and cooperation
– change of focus from nation-centered to global
– integration of nontraditional security issues in security strategies
• strengthening environmental jurisprudence
350 environmental courts in 41 countries (WRI)
Convention on Cluster Munitions, NPT
legal provisions for liability and redress, language, mechanisms
Permanent Court of Arbitration for env. damage during armed conflict, ICC
international court on environmental crimes & “rights of Earth”
Water Security Risk Index 2010
>100 water-related conflicts in the past 25 yrs (Pacific Institute)
< 4 billion people in areas of high water stress by 2030 (WEF)
< 10% of world population at risk of displacement by climate change
Global Climate Risk Index 2010
Environmental Performance Index
Ecological Footprint
Source: Maplecroft
Policies and Discrepancies
by 2030: developing countries will need $75 bill/yr for adaptation
$400 tech dev.
Areas of Disagreement
access to the polar regions, off-coast resources, and their use
enforcement of MEAs
monitoring systems and models
security implications of environmental aspects
biodiversity protection
synthetic biology and nanotech safety strategies
implications of new weapons technology
nuclear non-proliferation
climate change and post-Kyoto strategy
outer-space security