Cellular Chemistry & Macromolecules Biology T. Meyer 2006 October 9, 2006 I. Atomic Structure A. Protons 1. Positive (+) particles in the nucleus of the atom. 2. Attracted to the electrons in the orbit of the atom B. Neutrons 1. Neutral (no charge) 2. Gives the atom its mass C. Electrons 1. Negative (-) particles in the orbit of the atom 2. Attracted to the protons in the nucleus Atomic Structure Orbit Proton Electron Neutron Nucleus II. Atomic Vocabulary A. Atomic Number: the exact number of protons in the nucleus. Fun Fact B. Atomic Mass: the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. C. Isotope: atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. Vocabulary Examples Carbon Atomic Number : 6 Atomic Mass: 12.011 Isotopes: C12,13,14 http://www.mse.uiuc.edu/info/mse182/PeriodicTable.gif III. Types of Atomic Bonds A. Covalent: Atomic bond where electrons are shared evenly. H:H B. Polar-Covalent: Atomic bond Ex: where electrons are shared unevenly giving a slight charge to the molecule. Ex: H2O C. Ionic Bonding: Atomic bond where electrons are not shared evenly. Results in a charged molecule. Ex: NaCl- (Sodium Chloride) http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://library.thinkquest.org/27819/media/ionic.gif&imgrefurl=http://library.thinkquest.org/27819/ch2_2.shtml&h=234&w=216&sz=5&tbnid=D5DLYg3udsJ:&tbnh=104&tbnw=96&hl=en&start=18&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dionic%2Bbond%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Dactive Covalent Bonds Ionic Bonds IV. Types of Mixtures A. Mixtures: individual substances retain their own property. EX: Sand (SiO2) and H2O B. Solutions: individual substance (solute) is distributed evenly in another (solvent). EX: Salt (NaCl) and H2O C. Suspension: a combination of molecules in which some distribute evenly and some retain their own properties. (Mixture + Solution) EX: Blood V. Acids vs. Bases A. Acid: substance that forms Hydrogen ions (H+) in water. B. Base: substance that forms Hydroxide ions (OH-) in water. C. pH Scale: scale used to determine acids and bases. Numbers 1-14. Neutral = 7 Acidic (+) = 1 - 6 Basic (-) = 8 - 14 Chemical Equations Balancing Chemical Equations Law of Conservation of Matter: Matter cannot be created or destroyed, but can be rearranged. Example Problems: H2 + O2 H2O H2 + O 2 ≠ 2 Atoms of Hydrogen H2O 2 Atoms of Hydrogen 1 Atom of Oxygen 2 Atoms of Oxygen Balanced 2H2 + O2 2H2O Chemical Bonds Video