Pearl Harbor and the U.S. Entry In War Reading #1 – War in the Pacific (Jerome T. Hagen) Complete the following sentence frames based on the reading: The attack was originally discussed in (month/yr)…… The Japanese believed the attack on Pearl Harbor would allow them to accomplish the goal of….. The admiral who led the attack on Pearl Harbor was……… The 3 problems that the Japanese had to address prior to attacking Pearl Harbor were…………..and they addressed those problems by (doing what?)……….. 1. 2. 3. On December 7, 1941 the United States suffered losses that included………. Reading #2: A People’s History (What did FDR know?) Complete the following sentence frames based on the reading: The 2 basic views about America’s entry into war are…………. 1. 2. The facts that highlight the relations between the U.S. and the Japan in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s are………… “There is no doubt that some Americans knew that……….. American assumptions included……….. In your opinion, based on what you know, could the U.S. have prevented the attack on Pearl Harbor