Ecosystem Notes 2

The Ecosystem
Slide 2
__________________________________________ live together in communities.
The structure of the interaction between different populations and their physical
environment is called the________________________.
Slide #4, 5 & 6
Biotic Factors:
I. Feeding Levels
A. _________________________ are ___________________
List 6 Examples:
B. _________________________ are _________________________
1.First Order consumers or _________________________
List 6 Examples:
2. Second Order consumer or __________________________ (some
omnivores) List 6 Examples:
3.Third Order consumer or ___________________________
List 6 Examples:
C. The order in which these feed is called the _______________________ chain.
D. Overall _________________________ community members is a food
E. ____________________________ are both carnivores and herbivores.
F. ____________________________ an animal that feeds on ______________________ (dead
animals), dead plant material or refuse.
G. ________________________________ break down _______________________ (having
carbon) material.
Slide #7
II. Pyramid of Energy:
A. _________________ is lost between each level of consumer (about _______ percent).
B. To show this lost a _____________________________ of energy can be drawn
C. Potential energy is lost because some energy is _______________ by the organism to
carry on life functions.
D. Each level is called a __________________ (feeding) level
Slide #8 & #9
III. Pyramids of Numbers and Biomass:
Most food chains have only _______ links, too much energy is lost to support 4th & 5th
order consumers.
As the level of consumer increases, the number of consumers _______________________
forming a pyramid of numbers
_________________________________ is the mass of living biological organisms in a given area or
ecosystem at a given time.
Higher feeding levels have _____________ biomass, forming a pyramid.
Each ________________________ level receives about ____________________________ of the energy
from the previous level.
Slide #10
IV. Recycling of Materials:
Cycles of Matter
A. Matter cannot be __________________________________, therefore it must be recycled.
B. _____________________________ (bacteria, fungi) release materials in dead organisms
and waste.
C. __________________________ (crabs, buzzards, jackals) feed on ________________ (dead
Slide #11
IV. Nitrogen Cycle
Three pathways of recycling
1. Decomposer bacteria in soil attack proteins in dead animals & waste
a. _______________________________ be absorbed by plants
b. one group of bacteria converts amino acids to ammonia this is
c. another bacteria then converts ammonia into nitrate ions this is called
2. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in roots of __________________________.
a. plants form _________________________ (a swelling on a root)
b. both organisms benefit (___________________________ relationship)
3. Denitrifying bacteria drains nitrogen from an ecosystem by freeing it into the
Slide #12, 13, 14 & 15
IV. Other Biotic Relationships
_____________________________________ — long-term interactions between different biological
Three Types
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
IV. Other Biotic Relationships (cont.)
1. _____________________________________ one organism benefits from a host without
harming or benefiting host.
2. ____________________________________ is when two organisms depend on each other
and both benefit.
3. ___________________________________ is when one organisms is completely depend on
the other at some point in its life cycle and ___________________ the host.
Slide #16—#17
V. Abiotic Factors of Environment:
I Medium
A. Substance in which an organism lives.
B. Density
C. Gas exchange
Slide #18—#17
II. Water
A. Water cycle or _____________________________ cycle
B. Amount of rainfall determines distributions of _________________________ or land
C. Water _________________________________________ from ocean and forms clouds.
D. Water falls from clouds as rain (______________________________________).
E. Water will hit the ground and then…
i. ________________________________ from surface forming lakes and rivers.
ii. Seeps (_______________________________) into ground becoming
__________________________ ____________________________________.
F. Water is taken into plants & (as a by-product of ________________________________) is
given off (__________________________________________) in the form of water vapor.
G. Water also ______________________________________________ from lakes and rivers.
IV. Other Biotic Relationships (cont.)
III. Soil
A. Rock breaks down by ______________________________.
B. ____________________________________________ is the process of chemical or physical breakdown
of the minerals in the rocks.
Example: rain
C. Rock mixed with decayed organic material is called ______________________________.
D. Soil forms layers, the layer closest to surface is called ______________________ and is high in
organic material.
IV. Light
A. _____________________________________--- exposure
B. Only _______________—________________ percent of total solar radiation (light striking earth) is
used for photosynthesis.
Slide #23
V. Temperature & Metabolism
A. As temperature changes so does metabolism.
B. Limits where life can live
Usually between 0° C to 50°C
C. _______________________________ (also spelled estivation) is the response to hot or dry
conditions sometimes called summer dormancy
D. ______________________________ winter dormancy.
Slide #24 &#25
V. Distribution of Organisms
A. Succession is how community changes over time.
B. As a community ages it goes through different stages.
C. The type of plants are the key to the stage the community is in.
D. Two types of succession
a. _______________________________ succession (first)
b. .______________________________ succession (areas that have been disturbed)
Slide #24 &#25
V. Distribution of Organisms (cont.)
_________________________________ succession (first)
1. Begins when _______________ ________________ is formed, like lava or when rock is
exposed for the first time.
2. ____________________________ ________________ take hold in this new environment.
a. These are _______________ _____________________________
b. Examples
i. __________________________ (symbiotic relationship between algae and
ii. _________________________
3. __________________________________ community
a. This is a community that has reached a ______________________ ________________
under a particular set of environmental conditions.
b. These are the ____________________________ communities resulting from
succession, and the represent the community which makes the most
___________________________ _________________ of available resources.
_____________________________ succession
a. Occurs on substrate that previously supported vegetation before a
_____________________ destroyed the plant life.
b. Is a _______________________________________ to a disturbance, for example, forest
fire, tsunami, flood, or an abandoned field.